Don't worry, your financial problems will sort out eventually. It's just the legal stuff and the new house. Once that's all settled, then things'll be a little more financially comfortable.
And what problem exactly do you keep having with this waterfall? I know you've mentioned attempting to make it work several times, but what is the problem you keep having?
uhmmmm... Well the first 3-4 creations were assembled, looked at, found to be either flawed in conept, or ineffectual, or lacking in natural beauty, and removed.
Then came the plan of Cinder blocks (cement blocks) building the foundation, so that the cosmetic rocks could be freed up, thus giving more height. This was found faulty because getting the rocks to seamlessly meld together without looking artificial proved impossible on the bottom layer.
Now I think we;ll try a load of dirt as the foundation, so that lil mossey grassy things can be planted in the cracks... there's still many flaws to figure out.
This project has been over a year in the making. GRRR
From what I remember of waterfall construction when my aunt and uncle put a water feature in their garden, and mom added one to hours, there was a LOT of soil involved. Cinder blocks, while they do add height, I'd raccomend only for a base to put soil on/around.
The water featrues in my relatives respective gardens consisted of a pump, a hose, a lot of dirt, and some rocks for cosmetic/anti-erosional value.
Comments 4
-J. ♥
And what problem exactly do you keep having with this waterfall? I know you've mentioned attempting to make it work several times, but what is the problem you keep having?
Then came the plan of Cinder blocks (cement blocks) building the foundation, so that the cosmetic rocks could be freed up, thus giving more height. This was found faulty because getting the rocks to seamlessly meld together without looking artificial proved impossible on the bottom layer.
Now I think we;ll try a load of dirt as the foundation, so that lil mossey grassy things can be planted in the cracks... there's still many flaws to figure out.
This project has been over a year in the making. GRRR
The water featrues in my relatives respective gardens consisted of a pump, a hose, a lot of dirt, and some rocks for cosmetic/anti-erosional value.
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