...The twinkle of mischief in a bright eye? The gleam of a fresh cheerful smile? The delicate arch of a slender neck? The low throaty chuckle of genuine good nature?
Not so. Quite a few of the Friends here are women, and probably several more are that haven't felt they needed to actually say so. Retro-Scans features pin-ups, glamor shots of actresses and so forth, but we're by no means unfriendly to women reading the posts. And there's no nudity, very little language stronger than 'hell' and little negative energy in general.
I haven't had any feminist comments objecting to the 'objectifying', but then this place is never meant to be hurtful. We're just goofing around in nostalgia.
If there are any dames around the place, they keep pretty quiet. I can remember only one gal who commented once in a while, and she hasn't done so recently. I think there are just fewer female nerds out there.
Btw, do cross-dressers count? (Uh, I'm asking for a friend of course.)
Cross-dressers can count any way they wish to. And I'd like to ask them how they can possibly afford two decent wardrobes, it must be expensive. The shoes alone...!
I'm going by the list of folks who have friended this place so they get all the new posts. Most never add a comment, but that's okay... I skim a few message boards nearly every day that I have never commented to, as well. The ol' tip of the iceberg phrase pictures the number of folks who comment as contrasted with those who check out a site frequently but don't feel like saying anything.
Comments 13
Looks like Kate is at an airport? Maybe the officer said, "are you concealing anything?" and she scoffed, "in THIS outfit, you must be joking."
I haven't had any feminist comments objecting to the 'objectifying', but then this place is never meant to be hurtful. We're just goofing around in nostalgia.
Btw, do cross-dressers count? (Uh, I'm asking for a friend of course.)
I'm going by the list of folks who have friended this place so they get all the new posts. Most never add a comment, but that's okay... I skim a few message boards nearly every day that I have never commented to, as well. The ol' tip of the iceberg phrase pictures the number of folks who comment as contrasted with those who check out a site frequently but don't feel like saying anything.
Sadly I don't even know her name.
Amber Anderson? "I don't wear make-up on weekends, but that's just me." That little impromptu duet is charming.
How did you make the connection?
Yes, the carefully rehearsed impromptu duet is indeed charming. :)
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