1. Know That to be God 1
By whom directed does the mind project to its objects?
By whom commanded does the first life breath move?
By whom impelled are these words spoken?
What god is behind the eye and ear?
That which is the hearing of the ear,
the thought of the mind, the voice of the speech,
the life of the breath, and the sight of the eye.
Passing beyond, the wise leaving this world become immortal.
There the eye does not go, nor speech, nor the mind.
We do not know, we do not understand how one can teach this.
Different, indeed, is it from the known,
and also it is above the unknown.
Thus have we heard from the ancients who explained it to us.
That which is not expressed by speech,
but that by which speech is expressed:
know that to be God, not what people here adore.
That which is not thought by the mind,
but that by which the mind thinks:
know that to be God, not what people here adore.
That which is not seen by the eye,
but that by which the eye sees:
know that to be God, not what people here adore.
That which is not heard by the ear,
but that by which the ear hears:
know that to be God, not what people here adore.
That which is not breathed by the breath,
but that by which the breath breathes:
know that to be God, not what people here adore.