Title: Udderly Disturbing
Pairing: Cuddy/House
Words: 2,010
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 'Sex Kills'
Disclaimer: Me =/= David Shore
Notes: For
misfortony, who requested Cuddy finding out about the birth control that House prescribed Tony. House in this has no relation to TM House.
Udderly Disturbing! )
Comments 10
And I love that House tried to get her to realize what was really going on in a round about way where she would come to the conclusion herself, and he wouldn't be responsible, but she was too stubborn to think about it. Very, very amusing. :D
And I'm glad that came through with House trying to tell Cuddy in a roundabout way what the deal was. I was thinking maybe the conversation was getting too circular to actually make a point. Lol.
Glad you like it! :D :D Makes me want to write more House/Cuddy (I'm such a House/Wilson fangirl at heart, though.)
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