Reading the coverage of “The Social Network” has made two things apparent to me:
1. No amount of effusively positive reviews - hell, not even an effectively
infinite number of them - is enough to make me even slightly interested in watching a movie about Mark Zuckerberg’s journey from douchebag Harvard student to douchebag baby billionaire.
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Comments 17
Jesse, for all his skill and talent as a perl coder, and paraphasing James Coburn... "the boy ain't got no class."
I needled Jesse because I assume that as the proprietor of a quite successful small business he'll take it in good humor. Last I heard (which was admittedly a while back), BestPractical had several fulltime employees and was booking something in the high six figures for revenue: he's got nothing to apologize for.
(He also reads this LJ occasionally. Ahem.)
Hi Jesse! :)
I can needle him a lot - he and i were friendly competitors for years, and while I sold my product to a dotcom for a large cash payout, he stuck it out and built up a functional small business.
I harped on your comment because it implied the only reason Jesse isn't a multibillionaire is he had some morals, and without them, he's be Mark Zuckerberg. My point is that's painfully oversimplifying a situation. MZ was in the right place at the right time, was a talented businessman and programmer, and had a sense of style. It was the perfect storm for Facebook.
Dude, it was a laugh line. Of course it's painfully oversimplifying matters. Sheesh. :)
It won't convince you to see it, but was fun to read anyway.
I went to see social network today and I hope that you can see it soon and let me know what you think. I am so unknowing about computers but seeing it is your game, it might be possible for you to understand more. Although there are human interactions that are more understandable.
-- my mother
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