I've decided to continue with listing my celebrity/musician crushes. Since I have way too many guy crushes, this list is gonna be in a few parts.
1. Tokio Hotel
Yet another obvious one, I include all the members of Tokio Hotel. They're all gorgeous looking, especially Gustav. Bill looks a little fem, which works for him. Georg just has an amazing body. And Tom looks like he has a body in this pic, not to mention that shade of green looks good on him. Also I love German accents. So, that's a real good kicker.
2. Matt Flyzik
Moving on to Matt Flyzik. He's just straight up adorable in this pic. I hear he's got a bit of a Mickey Mouse obsession. It's a little creepy, but I'm willing to compromise. He's also All Time Low's manager. Speaking of which......
3. Alex Gaskarth and Zack Merrick
Here's half of All Time Low! I like Alex because he's kinda mischievous and can put on an angel face at any time. While he always looks good, Zack looks better without a shirt on. Zack, I want you to never wear a shirt again. You're way sexier without it.