This entry is not about this past weekend, but rather, the weekend before last. The weekend of RH Homecoming.
After English lab, I got all my stuff together and went home. I did some hanging out until it was time to go to the game. Once we got to the game, I found a good seat and chilled out, waiting for friends to show up. The first to arrive was Dani, Cory and Billy. After a while, Hannah, Andy, and Pearly arrived. Then, while me, Andy, and Hannah were fucking with the drumline, Karen and Cathy showed up. That was incredibly nice, if I do say so myself. Sure, I had seen her just two weeks prior… but every minute with her in view is great.
The halftime show started not too long after Karen and Cathy showed up, so we all got ready. After all, Julie was on the court and Dani was crowning whoever was going to win. No one really cared about any of the other folks on the court except Julie, so we kinda joked around and all that. When they called Julie’s name, we all screamed our screams, and then waited for the announcing of the winners. They did second runner up, first runner up, and then the queen. We knew Julie wasn’t super popular like some of the other folks, so we weren’t completely expecting her to win. Not that we didn’t think she deserved it, just didn’t think that EVERYBODY else did. Well…
Apparently, the majority of the voters at RHHS did think she deserved to win, because she did! How awesome is that? Pretty damn awesome, lemme tell ya. Our group kicks ass. Two homecoming queens. Bad ass. Not to mention the total awesomeness of Dani being the one to crown Julie, given the fact that they are lifelong best friends and all that. It was really damn cool.
After all the homecoming excitement, we all kinda split up. Most everyone went to Dani’s house except for me, Cory, and Billy. We went over to my house because they wanted to see my drumset and all that. We hung out for a while. Cory is pretty damn good. It’s a different style than I’m used to, but he definitely had some skills I wouldn’t have minded having under my belt. Definitely perks of going to a performing arts school, I’m sure. Heh. Good deal.
After a while, we went over to Dani’s house to join the rest of everybody. It was pretty relaxed over there. Everyone just hanging out. This, however, was the start of the distance that I was going to experience for the rest of the weekend. It was really weird, but I just felt like I wasn’t really a part of anything, didn’t have anything to say, and didn’t really care. I was just… there. It was weird, and not expected. I was surrounded by good friends, but I felt like I didn’t matter in the least bit. Maybe because I distanced myself on purpose or maybe did it subconsciously, to see if anyone interacted with me on their own. I don’t know, like I said… it was weird. And lasted all weekend. It kinda pissed me off a little bit… because I was becoming the ‘me’ I didn’t like. The ‘poor, pitiful me’ me. It was stupid.
After hanging out at Dani’s for a while, there were a few decisions made, and one of them was to go to Wal-Mart. But first, we had to drop off Karen and Cathy, so we went down that way. And then decided to go to the pier down by Ft. M. We got down there, and I was still in the same mood (it doesn’t really change for the entire weekend, for real.) I was just kinda sticking to myself and whatnot. Everyone else was joking around and getting along, I was just singing Cat Stevens and dmb to myself. Heh. Yeah. It was really nice out, though. Great weather… and the moon was out and it was really bright. I love moonlight. I love moon shadows. I was really getting a kick out of just being there. The people around me were good and familiar faces, but like I said, I just wasn’t affected by other people all weekend. It was still nice.
After that, we dropped off Karen and Cathy, and then we called off the Wal Mart trip and I went home. Then I went to bed.
I was awoken at 8 o clock the next morning, after only 6 hours of sleep, by my mom. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to the Seafood festival. I did not. I wanted to sleep. My nose, however, had different plans. It wanted to bleed. And did so for about 30 or so minutes. I didn’t get back to bed until about 8:45 or so. And then, around 10:30, I was awoken yet again by Dani. They were all going downtown and I was invited. But I didn’t feel like getting up then. So I said “later.”
Then, another 30 minutes passed and a third wonderful angel woke me up. This time it was Karen. Same goal as Dani, to get me up and moving downtown. I told her “later,” but as soon as I hung up, I realized I wasn’t gonna be able to sleep anymore and should probably go ahead and get up. So I did. I called Dani and told her I’d start getting ready and all that and would call when I was on my way. I did all the morning stuff. It was a good morning. Awoken by 3 of my favorite ladies, good music in the shower (dmb), and great breakfast (bagels.)
I got on my way. When I got downtown, I called and Dani said that they were meeting around the Lucas. So I went driving around looking for a parking spot. And I eventually got one. And then I got down there, no one was there, so I called Dani. She said they were down at River Street, so I headed down there. Met them at Spanky’s. Big group of 12. People from GSU came down.
During the meal, I was the same. Withdrawn. Good salad. Peed a lot.
After the meal, we hung out for a few minutes, and then me and Karen and Heather and Cathy headed down to Broughton to Planet 3. Why? Because Karen was to get a piercing. Not just ear… something RADICAL!! WHOO!! Still, I was withdrawn. I sat on the couch-like thing and made comments when asked questions. I told her how I felt… she is already beautiful and doesn’t need a piercing, but if she were to get one, I think the nose would be the way to go. A cute little stud would look good. Maybe it’s a coincidence that that’s what she got. I think everyone else agreed with me, though, so that’s probably what it was. Originally, it was gonna be her getting something and me getting something. But I decided against it by then. I decided that I don’t really need nor flow with any kind of radical fashion statement above a homeless hat.
But she did… she went for it. They could only let one extra person in there, and I was hoping it’d be me, simply because it was originally gonna be me and her… but Heather hopped up and was like “I’ve known her the longest!” so she went. Oh well. I got to talk with Cathy for a good bit. It was a nice conversation, and it sparked some questions and ideas. Good deal.
When Karen came out, at first, I didn’t even see it. It was really little, but it looked really cute. I was very pleased with the outcome. And so was she… which makes it even that much sweeter. Awesome.
After that, I had to leave them and head over to the Effingham competition. I got there pretty much in time… only had to watch one band before RH performed. And boy, did they?! Oh man… they kicked ass. Total and complete ass. Yes. I was so proud… even began to tear up a little watching Amanda. I’m so proud of her. After the performance I went to talk to her and the drumline and Brian. It was cool. I later found out that not only did I think they kicked ass, but so did the band. They pretty much owned the entire competition, minus one 5A band. Best in class every-damn-thing. Best overall most every-damn-thing. Just… bad ass.
After that, I headed back to Dani’s house. Once I got there, I only hung out for a little bit, and then went to the Seafood Festival to see the Blues Brothers cover band (only one sanctioned by the Belushi family and Dan Ackroyd themselves… good shiat.) I went alone, however. No one at Dani’s house really wanted to go and Karen, Heather and Cathy were already there, but I didn’t have a cell phone that worked and they couldn’t hear theirs ring, so I couldn’t get a hold of them. I stayed for about an hour, leaving right after Sweet Home Chicago (favorite blues song, basically.)
I got back about two hours after I left (parking was a bitch) and everyone was watching a movie. I stayed for that, hung out a little after that, but just wasn’t feeling it. I was really out of it, big time. I said “goodbye” to most of them and I went home. That’s when I wrote the previous entries.
The next day I got up, called Karen, and she and Cathy came over so Karen could drop off the CD of Jade Hollow, the band that opened for the DMBCB when I was up there. It was nice seeing them, but didn’t really get to talk, because my mom pretty much talked to them until they had to leave. Oh well… still nice seeing them.
The rest of the day was really kinda lax, until I went to see Waiting with Amanda. It was cool hanging out with her and all that, I love that we can do that. Funny movie, too. I thought. Dane cook is a silly bitch. After the movie, I went to pick up Jimmy and Jason, and then we headed over to the WSP show downtown.
I’m not really gonna elaborate too much… but it was pretty damn cool. Their music is very homogenous, both within a single song and between songs. It’s a single sound, single beat, and not much dynamic power. But great solo music. Good for soloists to jam out over it. Which is the point. And I dig that… but 3 ½ hours is a lot. Heh. It was still cool. Great experience. The whole tripping hippies and super drunk people dancing their asses off. It’s not funky music, so you have to hippy-dance. No strong beats, so you have to create it in your head… makes for an interesting show.
After the show was cool. Lots of followers selling merch and food and random stuff to pay for next show’s ticket. Awesome scene. We helped a girl (Rebecca, who graduated with us) find her friends, and then I dropped both Jason and Jimmy off at their homes, and then I drove back to the Boro. Got there about 2:30. passed out.
sorry for length... i'm a bitch, i suck at writing, so i write a lot. or maybe i write a lot because i'm really good. it's for you to decide.