Mar 14, 2010 02:29



SO YEAH I LIKE IT, and seem to be in the minority on this point, but it's true. I'm about 10 (15 maybe?) hours in, at the beginning of chapter 7 to give you some idea of where I am IF YOU'RE PLAYING ALONG AT HOME :D.

FFFFF ILU LIGHTNING, SO SO MUCH. she's got a really good voice, too, omg. On that point, they made random characters Australian, lol. (or maybe South African? but I seriously can't tell if Vanille's got an accent or she's just retarded.) I KID, though i *am* reserving judgment on her at the moment. I think they made her the most useful person in battle to make up for her godawful stereotypical JRPG personality >_> but i have some faith that they'll do something interesting with her. It's always the happy ones, you know.

HOPE! He's so squishy. I really like him. His weapon is the coolest, too. FFFF FOLD UP WEAPONS, THAT'S SO NIFTY. EFF YOU FOURTH DIMENSIONAL POCKET. Also I have a horrible feeling that i'm gonna ship this kid with every even semi-badass character available, which is terrible cause he's like, 12. >_______>;;

SAZH! really, i can't not like him, he's got a baby chocobo living in his 'fro. I like his voice, too, reminds me of Jensen on Lost Odyssey, in that EFF THE SCRIPT I'M GONNA SAY FUNNY SHIT kind of way. which is pretty impressive considering it's dubbed.

SNOW! god he's such a doof. I'm really disappointed, I wanted him to be cool, but he's really, really not, lol. He needs a nice crack on the skull or something.

YOU KNOW, it's kind of funny, cause you can almost equate each character in 13 with those from 12 (or at least it was very obvious when i first started playing, but the chars have changed a little bit since the beginning, yay dynamic personalities.) HERE LET ME SHOW YOU
ff13 = ff12
Lightning = Ashe
Balthier = Sazh
Fang = Fran (BUT I HAVEN'T MET HER YET REALLY though i have this feeling..)
Vanille = Penello
Hope = Vaan
Snow = Basch (CRINGE... snow's doing the white knight thing all wrong though.)

I HAD AN INTERESTING DISCUSSION with my friend about Snow, that he actually is quite like Seifer (in addition to looking just like him). Cause you know, seifer's dream was to be a hero, a knight, a protector person, but he didn't really know how to go about it, and while he has problems with authority he's also easily manipulated by the bad guys. Snow though, seems to have the intelligence of a rock and found hisself a nice pretty girl to protect :). SPEAKING OF, I have no idea how they expected anyone to even remotely care about Plot Device's (OH I'M SORRY HER NAME IS SERAH) well being.

THE MUSIC is ridiculously inappropriate at times. At best, music should enhance what's going on. At the worst, it should sink into the background so i don't notice it, but this stuff makes me go LOL THAT JAUNTY TUNE IS SO OUT OF SYNC WITH THIS EMOTIONAL SCENE. thumbs down :/

BUT BUT, THE BATTLE SYSTEM, DO LIKE. thumbs up! it's kinda tough to get the hang of, but once you get some systems down it's pretty manageable. still, I think 13's battles are some of the toughest in the series, yo o_o. Keeps me engaged though :)

I HAVE GOTTEN SLIGHT GLIMPSES OF BAD GUYS, or who i perceive as bad guys (possibly this Cid fellow? I'm gonna call him Nooj) and then the gray haired guy who made me inexplicably make loud high-pitched noises.

I'm kind of sad though, cause if people rebel against this game there's not gonna be a fandom, and that would be sad :( I don't see much Potential yet but I'm sure I can find some when more people get introduced. but they are sure as hell taking their sweet time introducing the characters and story and such, geez ^^;

I REALLY REALLY DO LIKE this one thing that just happened which spawned this huge freakout seen above, but the telling of which would be spoilery. I thought it was pretty cool though. :)

IN CONCLUSION, imo really pretty cool, but so far it seems to be really really really just letting me nibble on bits of characters and story. HOPEFULLY THERE IS MORE TO CHEW ON, LOLOLOL.


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