Title: Who’s Crazy?
Author: Mizu
willowscryRating: G
Word count: 111
Prompt: Image #2 - Fast food
Note: Haha, I did one of those where the reader fills in the blanks as to who is talking. Totally not my usual style, but I like it as it is. And it gives the reader's imagination a quick work out.
“Fast food is bad for you.”
“Like what you’re eating is any better?”
“Salad is food.”
“It’s rabbit food, sempai!”
“I’ve never seen a rabbit that eats tuna.”
“You’re not normal, and I’m sticking to that story.”
“Can you really tell me that he’s normal?”
“That’s a good question.”
“It’s a good hamburger, and I was in a hurry. Besides, it’s not like I eat them every day. I’d be an elephant by now if I did. Besides, tennis burns off the calories very quickly.”
“You’re not-normal sempai number two.”
“No, I think he’s number one in terms in craziness.”
“Only tennis craziness. And twenty laps for calling your sempai-tachi crazy.”