Title: Afterglow
flecksofpoppyFandom: Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Characters/Pairings: Eric Slingby/Alan Humphries
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: N/A
Summary: Eric is glowing.
Alan wonders if he’s made a mistake as Eric rolls away to switch on the lamp.
The sheen of sweat makes his skin glow, and it feels like a dream Alan’s interloped upon.
He flushes self-consciously as Eric turns back over to look at him, reaching out to touch his face.
It’s different than bodies moving desperately together; moans in the dark.
“You’re glowing.”
“That good, was it?” Eric replies with a cheeky smile.
His face softens when Alan just nods.
Eric’s luminous skin remains lovely and warm as they fall asleep, even in darkness, and Alan sighs against him.