Title: Deflagration Fandom: FFVII Characters/Pairings: Tifa, Barret Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: None Summary: On the anniversary of Meteorfall. (200 word double-drabble)
I'm sorry for being a jerk and not commenting on this earlier. My brain has been MIA, though it made a reappearance tonight, so I went immediately to read this.
I love your use of the prompt!! It was PERFECT. It's the centerpiece of these two drabbles as a metaphor, and it just works perfectly with your elegant descriptions and layered meanings. I am also a massive supporter of anything Barret-related. XD I love this little glimpse into their lives post-Meteor, and the bittersweet note it strikes is just perfect. Also, the cards from Yuffie made me laugh. Ohh, guys. I'll never get tired of our old friends in the Final Fantasy VII universe.
Thank you for posting, and thank you for writing. <3
Heh, thanks! I'm really happy you liked them, as I wasn't certain whether the metaphor actually worked here or not... I love FFVII because it's such a layered world and story (with occasional derpy moments as well, granted), and it's always fun to write about these characters. And yes, I totally agree with you on Barret. XD
Comments 2
I'm sorry for being a jerk and not commenting on this earlier. My brain has been MIA, though it made a reappearance tonight, so I went immediately to read this.
I love your use of the prompt!! It was PERFECT. It's the centerpiece of these two drabbles as a metaphor, and it just works perfectly with your elegant descriptions and layered meanings. I am also a massive supporter of anything Barret-related. XD I love this little glimpse into their lives post-Meteor, and the bittersweet note it strikes is just perfect. Also, the cards from Yuffie made me laugh. Ohh, guys. I'll never get tired of our old friends in the Final Fantasy VII universe.
Thank you for posting, and thank you for writing. <3
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