Third Post, Sark/Sydney Alias pairing

Feb 02, 2006 20:30

Title: Fuse
Fandom: Alias
Characters: Sark/Sydney
Prompt: 68. Lightning, 69. Thunder
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: I do not own Alias©.

In those brief moments when the lightning fuses with the rain, she can see him staggering down the cobblestone street towards her. Not a single window cracks ajar when she fires in perfect agreement with the rumble of thunder that echoes through the alleyways. Silent still remains the street when he falls to his knees and releases a stagnant cry of remorse.
Returning for an encore, the lightning splits the sky again, revealing the various gouges along her arms. She lurches forward and brusquely kicks him in the side. As his hands press against the wound at his gut, splayed fingers clutching at the frayed fabric of his shirt, he releases another cry of pain.
“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance,” she shouts as she pulls out her gun.
“Sydney, for the love of God, don’t do it!” he pleads as he struggles to stand up.
She fires again as a roll of thunder fills the street, reverberating off the walls and into the ground. He cries out as she drops to the pavement, blood mixing with rain in the crevices between the cobblestones. Suddenly, it no longer matters where one liquid ends and the other begins.

Title: Margaret
Fandom: Alias
Characters: Sark/Sydney
Prompt: 60. drink
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Author's Notes: I do not own Alias©.

Today she is a blonde, while the day before she was a brunette. Today she will accept a proposition from a stranger, while the day before she would barely have entertained the thought. That is because today she is Margaret Jones, while the day before she was Sydney Bristow. She repeats this to herself as Justin Mason, formerly known as Julian Sark, takes a seat beside her at the bar.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he queries as stares at the counter top.
After several nanoseconds of internal debate, Sydney leaves the bar.
“Yes, I’d like that,” Margaret responds.

Title: Grey Areas
Fandom: Alias
Characters: Sark/Sydney
Prompt: 12. Grey, 33. Too Much
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: I do not own Alias©.

She asks him once and only once why he never stays the night. It is as he slips out of her bed a little past two in the morning that the query spills from her lips. When he doesn’t respond, and instead, dresses with his back faced towards her, she realizes that perhaps she has asked too much.
He leaves her apartment without a word.
Their relationship is compromised mostly of grey areas. They rarely speak of emotions out of an inbred fear of sustaining injury or revealing weakness, and even in the early stages of foreplay, they will instinctively hold back. She has grown an increasing hatred for the color grey.
A week later, he greets her as she returns from work at her apartment, nursing a glass of wine in the armchair in her bedroom. A year earlier, she might have labeled this as too much, but the grey area in their relationship has shrunk considerably since then. She pauses at the door, then slowly walks in.
“I have been thinking about it,” he says as he watches her take off her jacket and lay it neatly across the bed. “If you don’t mind, I’m staying the night.”

17/100.. WOO.
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