The end all be all of my fandom favorites list. Thanks to everyone who guessed! As pretty much expected Sara and Kristin know me best, but if you didn't get that many right don't worry because, as Jenn pointed out, I'm so full of crack that most of the time you don't know what the heck I'm going to say anyway. =P
11. Harry Potter - Severus Snape
"I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death - if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."
I'll fully admit that it's mostly Alan Rickman's portrayal of Snape in the Harry Potter movies that makes him my favorite character. That sassy, sarcastic, brooding style of his and his status as a double agent who's not afraid to get his hands dirty makes him by far the coolest character in the series to me. Snape proves you don't always have to be nice in order to work on the good side, and though many may have doubted his loyalties I had complete faith in him all the way to his rather lack luster ending in the 7th book. He almost has to be my favorite character, I do drive the SSRV (The Snape Support Relief Vehicle) after all. ;P
12. Lord of the Rings - Frodo Baggins
"Oh, Sam."
Everyone pity Sara because she had to live with me through my Elijah Wood phase when I was watching Lord of the Rings everyday and every other word out of my mouth had something to do with Woodage. As for Frodo's character he's just so sweet and humble. Nobody asked him save the world, he volunteered to do it, even though he knew he was the weakest of everyone, with no thoughts of fame or glory at the end. He was completely self sacrificing and he was smartest of all the hobbits, being very quick to catch on to what was going on around him. He was also very understanding, what with being willing to take Gollem with him and Sam, which saved him in the end. Not to mention just look at how cute he is! How could you not love that?! He's like a puppy or a kitten that you just want to cuddle them then eat it up. ^_^
13. Gravitation - Ryuichi Sakuma
"Sparkle, Shuichi. Make the sparkly reach out!"
You can't watch Gravitation and not love Ryuichi. He's suppose to be the most talented sexy, singer in the world, but he's got the mentality of a 3 year old. You know there's more going on up there than he lets on, and in certain instances he seemed to be extremely cunning in manipulating people to get them to do what he wants. He also seems to have a somewhat darker side, that they were just starting to get into in the EX manga if they would ever release some more volumes of it dang it!
14. X-Men Evolution - Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler
"The name's Nightcrawler, and at least I don't reek like unwashed lederhosen."
Nightcrawler is just an all around niffy character and the real reason I got in the X-Men universe at all. He's funny and nice has the coolest power of all the X-Men, to teleport through dimensions. He's a little self concous about his image, but when you're blue, fuzzy with tail and have three fingers and only two toes who wouldn't be? He had the most intresting back story of all the characters, what with Mystique being his mother and all and was voiced by my favorite American voice actor Brad Swaile (Quatre Winner from Gundam Wing and Light from Death Note). In more recent news his character is going to be in the new Wolverine and the X-Men animated series coming up next year. He will be voiced by Liam O'Brian (dubbed Gaara in Naruto). Looking forward to that one.
15. The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb - The Fool aka Beloved
The Fool speaking of his gender: “Always, you bring it back to that, as if that is the only possible culmination of love.”
Miss got this one right on because if you've ever read the series you'll know the main charcter, Fitz, is an idiot and if it wasn't for characters like The Fool I could have never finished the series at all. The Fool starts off the series as a sort of odd riddling albino jester, but you find out later on that he's really more of a prophet who's out to save the world. He's playful and childlike most of the time, but can be serious and sad also when he speaks of the future or his past. He's physically rather weak and his gender is called into question throughout the entire series, since he spends half his time in different personas, some of them being female, and because of the fact that he seems to have a thing for Fitz. The question of his gender is never quite resolved but he's generally regarded as male. He's a very unique character and one that's hard to classify. Although I'm not a big fan of Robin Hobb's writing style, I would read another book of hers in a minuet if it was about The Fool.
= Nathaniel
16. Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton - Nathaniel Graison
I'm afraid if I try to write about why I like Nathaniel's character it's going to turn into a long rant about why I still read these books after they went from fairly good supernatural thrillers set in St. Louis, to down right bad erotica fan fics in the later books. Instead I'll just post his Wikipedia description and say Nathaniel and his boyish charm are really the only reason I'm still reading the books at all. There's a picture of Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing up there because when Hamilton describes Nathaniel it always reminds me of him...well a submissive S&M stripper version of him anyway.
Nathaniel is a striking wereleopard in his early twenties, approximately 5'6" with long mahogany auburn hair, lilac eyes, "pretty" rather than handsome features, and a muscular swimmer's body. In his animal form, Nathaniel is a black were-leopard. A stripper at Guilty Pleasures, (stage name: "Brandon"), Nathaniel is one of Anita's lovers and a member of her second power triumvirate. For several novels, Nathaniel was Anita's pomme de sang. Descriptions of Nathaniel's eyes and vanilla scent fill each book, and it is common to see paragraphs devoted to the shade of his eyes.
Nathaniel has been reluctant to share details of his past. Anita has been able to learn that Nathaniel's parents died when he was young, and that Nathaniel and his older brother Nicky were in the custody of an abusive man. Nicky protected Nathaniel at first, but also died when Nathaniel was quite young, at which point Nathaniel ran away. At some point in his late teens, Nathaniel was found by Gabriel. By that point, Nathaniel was a drug addicted prostitute, and was so submissive and masochistic that he was literally incapable of saying no to any torture proposed to him. Gabriel helped Nathaniel stop taking drugs but was unable or unwilling to address Nathaniel's other problems and simply pimped Nathaniel, restraining customers from taking too much advantage of him.
After Anita took control of the St. Louis pard, Nathaniel attached himself to Anita for protection. Nathaniel has been working to become more assertive and self-reliant, if only to please Anita. He is still highly submissive and is happy to take the "wife" position in Anita's increasingly large harem - cleaning, cooking, and generally providing emotional support. At one point, Nathaniel contemplated cutting his hair after getting it caught in the garbage disposal, which nearly resulted in his death. Unfortunately Anita flew into a rage at the idea, and threatened to burn his favorite teddy bear if he ever brought it up again. In a small act of rebellion, Micah and Nathaniel shaved off Anita's eyebrows while she slept, which resulted in them being grounded for two weeks. In Incubus Dreams, Anita inadvertently marked Nathaniel as her animal servant, forming a triumvirate between Anita, Nathaniel, and Damian.
In "The Harlequin," Nathaniel finally shows some burgeoning self-assertion, insisting to Anita that if she does not address his masochistic sexual needs, he will go elsewhere for what he wants. Nathaniel finally convinced Anita to act out his favorite fantasy of being a naughty schoolboy, while she played the part of the stern, yet lusty nun. However the fantasy game was interrupted when Nathaniel's parents called and told Anita that he needed to be home before 8.
17. Naruto - Sasuke Uchiha
"There are tons of things I dislike, and I don't particularly like anything. And, I don't want to use the word dream, but I have an ambition."
I don't feel like digging up my evil cookie metaphor again justifying Sasuke's actions, but I will say that yes, Sasuke is an ass, but I think he has good reason for acting like one. I also like the fact he's the one person in the show that Naruto doesn't seem to be able to change his mind or sway his resolve about gaining power in order to kill his brother. Say what you want about him, but at least the boy has got a drive to succeed.
18. Loveless - Aoyagi Ritsuka
"Let's make memories."
Poor, poor Ritsuka, he has to put up with so much throughout the course of this series; an abusive mother, watching his best friend in the entire world his brother being burned alive, having no memory before the age of 10 due to some kind of shock which changed completely his personality, constantly being hit on by an emotionally needy 20 year old who wants him to be his master, etc. He definitely has some issues work through needless to say. Surprisingly enough he handles it all amazingly well. He's 12 but one of the few anime characters I've seen that actually act like the age they're suppose to be. He's somewhat independent, but extremely vulnerable at the same time and a little naive. For his sake at least I hope the series ends well. I'd really like to see him happy just once.
19. House M.D. - Greg House
"Everyone lies."
I recall a conversation Jenn and I had once about the characters on this show and I said how House was my favorite character and she said something like, "Just admit it, you like jerks!" And I said, "No I don't. I wouldn't want to date House. I just want to be like him." Honestly, House is a huge sarcastic jerk, and a drug addict, basically an M.D. version of Sherlock Holmes. He's smart and he knows it. He uses people, especially his friends, to get what he wants, but he's also a genius so everyone puts up with it. He's another one of those, says he doesn't care about anyone but really he does care, type characters. Just pray that if you ever get stuck in a hospital and they don't know what's wrong with you that you get a doctor like him that'll tell it to you exactly how it is.
20. Scrubs - Dr. Todd aka "The Todd" Quinlan
" I Remember I wanted to come in here to say something. Oh yeah, great vagina."
I fully admit this was a trick one because I'm being completely hypocritical in my answer when I say the most sexist character on the show is my favorite, but I can't help it. Todd is like everything I find most ridiculous about men all rolled in to one beefcake of a package. Whenever he shows up on screen I'm always rolling on the floor laughing at whatever he has to say. I have no excuses for this one.
Later all!