Title: reaching for you from the endless dream
Author / Artist:
draco100's prompt #3: pumpkin patch
Character(s) / Pairing(s): draco / harry
Rating: g
Word count: 100
Notes: inspired by 'here with me' by susie suh & robot koch.
“The time turner.” Harry whispered, his hands motioning a hurry-it-up gesture, eyes fixated on Draco’s pale neck.
Draco rolled his eyes before surrendering the magical piece to Potter and crouching behind the pumpkin patch near Hagrid’s. For the last six weeks, Malfoy's skimmed the atmosphere, floated through the clouds, light as a feather on his nimbus; feeling nothing except peace.
Draco, however, remembers the intoxicating feeling of Harry's lips brushing his own, felt himself sinking into the earth, braced against a wooden pole separating pumpkins.
"Honestly, Potter. A pumpkin patch?" Malfoy exasperated. "A bit old, aren't we?"
"Never." Harry smirked.