Title: Lumière
draco100's prompt 10: Caught in a blizzard
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco / Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: Unbeta'd. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco realizes he could lose everything.
Draco’s hands trembled as he stood with his back pressed against the cracked pillar. His pulse throbbed against his neck, panicked eyes searching for that familiar nest of dark hair. Hogwarts rubble surrounded him, clouds of dust obscured his view, caught in a fiery blizzard of smoke and ash.
A strong, familiar hand gripped his shoulder.
“Malfoy,” Harry whispered, “come with me.”
He grabbed Harry’s hand as they stumbled out into the Hogwarts courtyard, the sky above exploding with color.
“Harry,” Draco whispered, ash-coated fingers stroking his face.
As Draco pressed their lips together, the light in Harry’s eyes vanished.