Title: Longing
draco100's prompt 11: A secret admirer
Character(s) / Pairing(s): Draco / Harry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Notes: Unbeta'd. Eighth year. Draco is content to keep to himself. Harry's fighting a losing battle.
A piece of parchment brushed Draco’s fingers as he flipped through the pages of his potions textbook. He huffed and unfolded the crinkled paper.
‘The soft rose that blooms against your lips is
as striking as daybreak pushing against the clouds,
a new beginning.’
He rolled his eyes and pushed the parchment aside.
Across the room, Harry pushed his glasses against the bridge of his nose, lower lip pinned between his teeth. He watched Draco until the afternoon sun began its descent, harvesting the deepest layers of the earth, nourishing the seeds of his longing.
One day, Draco would know.