Dear Not so restful morning:

Aug 22, 2009 08:42

* Morning Routine:
-Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth (Done)
- Make Bed (Done)
-Swish & Swipe(Done)
-Empty Dishwasher
-Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)(Done. Folded and put away this morning)
-Check Your Calendar
On the list:
-Finalize stupid Pin # stuff
-Finish at least two new books before I go to sleep tonight
-Check Your Control Journal (Doing right now, so Done)

* What's For Dinner? (Breakfast is: ???, Lunch is Taco Soup. Dinner is ???)

* Drink Your Water (Will do at work)

* Declutter for 15 Minutes (Hehehehe. The boy has to work so I shall declutter his living room for 15 minutes.)

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (Not happening today)

* Before Bed Routine:
-Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
-Check Your Calendar
-Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
-Where are your Keys?
-Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
-Shine Your Sink
- Wash face/Brush Teeth
-Go to Bed at a Decent Hour (Totally am doing this tonight. So tired!)

I feel like I've achieved quite a bit this morning. My schedule is going...well, According to schedule. Off to go scarf something breakfasty, pack my shower things and head out the door!

work, food, flylady

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