Title: Christmas Traditions
alafayeWord count: 214
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco, Lily Luna
Challenge: Christmas challenge 2016; prompt of 'introducing Christmas traditions to each other'
Authors Notes: Also for the photo prompt of
shortbread biscuits at
slythindor100 and the prompt of
Christmas bunny at
adventdrabbles. And day 22 at
Lily hummed, skipping instead of walking, enjoying the day out. Harry kept a tight hold of her hand, but Draco was just watching her, amused yet unsure.
"So we're going to go see a Christmas bunny?" Draco asked.
Harry smiled. "Yes. Sort of. The owner of a bookshop has been bringing his bunny to his shop for the one week before Christmas for the last few years. Even puts a hat on it."
Draco sipped his coffee. "And you go see it every year?"
"Tradition now," Harry said with a shrug. He stopped Lily before she could skip across an intersection in her excitement.
"Funny, these traditions of ours," Draco said. "Wiltshire got its first snowfall today so the house elfs finally made a batch of shortbread biscuits. It's some order from my grandmother that no one thought to change. So we can't have shortbread biscuits until after the first snowfall of the season."
"Christmas bunny and shortbread," Harry said. "I'm almost positive Lily will mention this to her kids, too."
Draco smiled, thinking about Lily carrying on both their traditions. That sounded pretty good. He cautiously took Lily's free hand and she grinned at him.
"Off to see the Christmas bunny and biscuits later!" Draco said.
Lily cheered and Harry winked at Draco.