Title: Royal Flush
Author: idontgiveafaux
Rating: G
Team: Death Eaters
Prompt: Chips
Word Count: 100 x 3
Summary: Harry hates playing card games with Draco
Warnings: (at your discretion) None
Though years had passed and their Hogwarts rivalry seemed like a lifetime ago, Harry and Draco still bickered and sniped at each other over everything. They didn’t mind the banter; the make up sex more than made up for it every time but to say Draco got on Harry’s nerves most of the time was an understatement. And so, it was in the middle of one their petty arguments that they agreed to settle it the best way they knew how.
“Put. That. Back!” Draco snapped as Harry got Cluedo from the shelf. “Go and get the chips from upstairs.”
Harry stared at him stupidly. “The chips?”
Draco sneered. “Yes Potter, the chips. We’re going to play -”
“Poker,” Harry muttered glumly as it dawned on him what Draco meant. “Monopoly is upstairs too, would you like me to get that down instead?” He added hopefully.
“No,” snapped Draco. “I’ve already decided. We’re playing Poker.”
“I don’t like Poker,” Harry whined, “and besides, why do we always have to do what you want?”
Draco shrugged but Harry caught sight of a smirk playing upon his lips. “We’ve done it this way for so long so why change habits now, Harry?”
“Royal flush,” Draco said smugly, laying his cards on the table.
“Cheat!” Harry cried.
“In other words, your bluff failed.”
“You’ve had seven royal flushes in this game!” Harry retorted. “Do you really expect me to believe that this is down to luck?”
“Shut up,” Draco said dismissively, reaching for the chips and making a big show of scooping them over in front of him. “Get your shirt off seeing as you’ve lost - again.”
Harry grumbled but secretly didn’t mind. He only had to lose once more until he was completely naked and then Draco would soon forget about Poker.