Title: His Eyes
dirtyxemoxkid Team: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Rating: T
Challenge: Rain (#1)
Notes: In Draco's point of view.
Disclaimer: Should I start bursting into song or can I just say it's all J.K. Rowling's characters, plot, books, ideas, etc.? Don't sue, I'm making no money.
The rain is falling into Harry's eyes. Like he's finally getting back every tear he shed. Like he can cry them all over again. Too bad he's dead. It's just too bad. I'll miss him. I'll miss his eyes. He'd cry with me. We'd cry together. I'd hold him and he'd cry and his eyes would shine. They hypnotised me and kept me enraptured. I loved his eyes. More than him? Not ever. His eyes were my soul. And now they were lifeless and glassy. I picked him up and now I'll move on. Even though I killed him myself.