Title: Searching the World
lolafalolaRating: G
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry/Draco
Challenge: Challenge #159 - Drift, blue, sand, surf, towel, salty, sun, sail, sea shell, fishy, bonfire, picnic.
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling and her minions own everything related to Harry Potter and his magical world. I make no money from this paltry piece of Potterotica.
Authors Notes: *biting nails* This is my first time posting here. I felt suddenly inspired.
With the setting sun, Harry’d watched the ocean’s color change from blue to black. He’d set sail two weeks prior, but neither distance nor time seemed to clear his mind as he clutched Draco’s note.
Harry -
Don’t deny that we want different things. You want to settle down and have a family. I want adventure and to see the world. It’s best if I leave now before we hurt each other.
I’ll always love you.
Bringing the sail in, Harry knew he’d search the world, if need be, to find his lover. There was still so much to say.