Title: In Fire and Blood
#73Summary: They’re wizards living in Muggle London, and it is the summer after the Battle of Hogwarts. One held out his hand, and the other grabbed on. They’re just boys, really, trying to find their way out of the rubble.
A story in which Draco and Harry are lost after the war. A story in which they find life in love.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): depression, self-destructive behavior
Word Count: 15,074
Author's Notes: I would be nothing as a writer without my Beta, Rachael aka Zaubermauz aka Basillisks. You're more of a co-author at this point. Thank you for your tears and critiques, your gentle pushes, your contributions to the Drarry universe I was trying to create, and your companionship throughout this process. Also, many thanks to Han aka goldxnsnitch, who helped with grammar and Brit-proofing. Your suggestions are much appreciated.
There is some infidelity-like between Harry and an original male character, but is not when Draco and Harry are in a committed relationship. (It's complicated, okay?) There are references to self-destructive behaviors, drinking, smoking, and some drug use.
In Fire and Blood )