WELL THAT WAS SUPRISINGLY NOT CRAP! I wasn't even remotely intending to watch the miniseries (I only watched S2 for Tosh, so...), and then my flist started insisting that it was actually good, and even then I expected to watch a few episodes and go "Uh, guys, whatever, that was shit." AND YET. Obviously it was hardly perfect, especially the scenes that required Barrowman to try to act (ughh), but I really enjoyed it! And the plot was intriguing the whole way through! And SO BLEAK but not in the awful way Torchwood's tried to be ~edgy~ in the past. Apart from the whole deaths-for-shock-value thing, which, whatever, show, get a new trick. The fact that it was more about being a very dark political thriller WITH DRUG-TRAFFICKING ALIENS than about Torchwood probably helped. And I LOVED Frobisher. SO MUCH. I thought his storyline was absolutely perfect.
I fully expect the rest of the franchise to ignore the repercussions of everything that went on here, because... duh, so I really hope someone writes a good long depressing story about how the world falls apart after this. (While I was watching it I was thinking that what I needed was an AU where the 456 really do take the kids, but that was because I was expecting the usual sort of ending where everything gets magically erased and no one even remembers all the governments of the world rounding up millions of children to give away to aliens. And then it turned out properly miserable! WEIRD.) It can have the Doctor in it! COME ON INTERNET. I have actually been finding it impossible to read anything long lately BUT STILL.
Also, Rhys is the perfect man. I... don't actually care about anyone else. Sorry. And I spent Ianto's entire death scene cringing in horror at Barrowman, which sort of ruined it. Gwen was awesomer than usual though!
eta: now that I think about it I don't think I'd trust canon to deal with the repercussions of the finale well anyway, so it's okay that it'll inevitably be handwaved. Although really, I hope there's no more Jack in Doctor Who after all this, it'd just be ridiculous if he came back as his OLD HILARIOUS HORNY SELF or whatever.