Today was nice. It was my daughter's birthday. I don't know if I've talked about it before, but my kids don't get "presents" What I like to give my kids for their birthday are memories. Toys break, get old and are forgotten and memories last forever...
So the moment they wake up I ask Shawna what her birthday breakfast will be... she says she wants the usual (cereal and toast) After breakfast Shawn and I argued a bit about him sitting on his butt while I tried to get all three kids and myself ready to go... which sucked because Shawna got upset and asked us to please not argue because today was her birthday =( poor little thing.
So anyways ,I got all of us spiffy and Shawna picked the aquarium for her "You can go anywhere you want today, you just name it!" place. (I'm thinking the day will come they will say Disneyland and we will have to change it to "anywhere Mommy and daddy can afford" lol.)
The coolest thing at the aquarium were the seals. I love seals. I love their pretty little eyes and face. I was showing the kids that they can close up their nose to keep the water out LOL.
So yeah. We went out through the gift shop and of course had to buy a little stuffed baby beluga whale for Shawna and a sea turtle for River. Isaiah didn't get anything, but I doubt he cares =/ lol.
After that we went out for cheeseburgers because those are Shawna's FAVORITE food... bacon cheeseburgers fries and a vanilla shake to be exact LOL.
Then when we got home the kids and I painted with watercolors because that is her favorite thing to do. After that we watched a movie of Shawna's choice.
I baked peanut butter kiss cookies (Shawna's fave) and had a great big ice cream sunday with candles in it because none of us really like cake. We like cheesecake and carrot cake ... but there is just something about sugary frosted sugar fluff that we don't like? Yeah I know, we are odd. I like muffins though? LOL.
The kids had a MAJOR sugar rush and we played "I spy" and then I read to the kids (green eggs & ham, pocahontas, and I'm as cute as can bee) sang lullabyes like I do every night (Sleep Baby Sleep, Baby Mine, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes, You are my Sunshine and You're just too good to be true LOL...yeah like your really wanted a track list, eh? Hahaha)
So now I'm getting ready for bed but I can't sleep because I drank a latte this morning so that Mommy would be in a happy hyper mood for her baby girl's birthday =)
Oh and I wore shoes to the aquarium too... in case anybody wondered... so as not to cause any stress for her on her birthday. I mean, Shawna doesn't wear shoes around our house ever, but she usually wants me to put them on if we go places so that Mommy doesn't end up getting mad at some jerk that tells her that she needs shoes when mommy is perfectly sure that she does NOT NEED shoes. LOL.
So that was my day. A lot like every day if you subtract the aquarium,cheeseburgers and mondo ice cream sunday really? But Shawna said it was the best birthday ever so for the moment I am very content. =)