Happy birthday
greeksong I hope you have a wonderful day. Your artwork has always been a joy to me and I've wanted to write something for this
lovely Harry and Ron artwork for a while, so here is a short drabbly piece.
It's my first Harry/Ron and is probably only PG rated.
This Little Piggy....
“This little piggy went to market.”
Ron’s foot twitched slightly as Harry grabbed his big toe, wiggling it slightly. “You’re having me on?”
“No,” Harry grinned up at his friend. “Aunt Petunia used to do this every time she took Dudley’s socks off. It was hilarious ... her talking about little piggies to that great big pig. ” He shifted closer to Ron’s bare feet. “This little piggy stayed at home.”
“Watch it, that tickles.”
“It’s meant to.” Harry quickly ran his fingernail over the sole of Ron’s foot. The other boy pulled away, but Harry grabbed at his ankle. “Coward. This little piggy had roast beef.”
“Am not!” Ron snorted.
“Are! Do you know you’ve got freckles on your feet?”
“So?” Ron pulled at a blade of grass and ran it quickly over Harry’s bare shoulder. “You’ve got a mole ... right here.” He brushed the grass over the small black mark just below his friend’s shoulder blade, making Harry wriggle.
“At least I’ve only got one. I bet if I joined your freckles together they’d make the Chudley Cannon’s logo. And these, ” Harry ran a finger over Ron’s ankle, joining together a group of freckles that disappeared into his trouser bottoms, “looks like a Snitch.”
“Really?” Ron peered closer. “It doesn’t.”
“It does from this angle.” Harry reached for a fourth toe. “This little piggy had none.”
“Fred told me once that the freckles on my back made up a map to secret treasure. It took mum ages to get the ink off once Fred and George had finished joining the freckles together.” Ron let out a sigh as Harry massaged briefly at the sole of his foot with his thumb.
“Maybe they just didn’t join them in the right order. Want me to try?”
“Not bloody likely.”
Harry grinned and reached for the little toe. “And this little piggy went... ‘Wee wee wee’ all the way home....”
“You’re sucking my toe...”
2nd August 2004