So the last month and a half for me has been a little like a vacation mixed with bouts of Hell. Being unemployed is not glamorous in the least and is not the funnest thing in the world especially when you have bills to pay. Thank somebody that Unemployment actually approved me, because it would not have surprised me had they turned me down. I did get fired for a valid reason no matter how fucked the company did it.
But now that I have the silver lining of a job and a steady paycheck in my sights is, of course, when everything else starts going down the drain. I am trying to keep myself afloat but I do not even know where to start at the moment. I get 199 weekly for unemployment. My car payment is 440 a month and my phone runs 160 for the two lines I am responsible for, the other two are supposed to be keeping this going since I covered them when they didn't have a job but were on my phone plan. Crunching the numbers it seems like this would be enough to keep me going right?
Unfortunately not. I was 1 1/2 car payments behind when I got fired and one month behind on the phone bill. Everyone knows that I am horrible with money but I do attempt to pay my bills. I just fail at it. And no matter how I try I can't seem to catch up.
Money matters are weighing me down.
But of course on top of that and fear of losing my car I haven't heard back from GoDaddy about my drug test and background check. It's Thursday and I took everything on Monday. >< I'm just stressing I know but if this doesn't work out I will be finding myself without food even more then I am at the moment.
This is not a cry for help I am living with friends and I have help. I just am ranting a bit atm.
I feel constantly like I am about to cry or puke. Nerves and stress.
A good thing though is that I am almost completely up to date with my commissions and owed art for people so hopefully within the next week I will be opening for 10 slots. ( )
I found out a lot of other stuff and will be posting a separate LOCKED journal for all that information because it is all pretty personal and yes I know all of you loyal readers are my friends but this is not information for everyone. Nor will I want to hear everyone's complaints veiled as advice.
So this wasn't nearly as long or in depth as I originally was planning it to be but that could be because I constantly have to look around to see who is trying to read my screen. Having so many people in a 2 bedroom apartment is probably not good.