1.Closest red thing to you? diet coke logo
2. Has anyone ever cheated on you in a relationship? couldn't have
3. Last thing to make you angry? people driving
4. Are you a fan of romance? mostly yeah
5. Have you ever been in love? no
6. Do you have a temper? sometimes
1. Closest green thing to you? Buddhist prayer beads
2. Do you care about the environment? enough not to litter
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? yup
4. Are you a lucky person? lately, my luck seems to be improving
5. Do you always want what you can't have? grass is always greener. . .
6. Are you Irish? I dont think so
1. Last purple thing you saw? a flier that is still sitting on my bookcase
2. Like being treated to expensive things? yes, but feel guilty if not by parents.
3. Do you like mysterious things? do you??
4. Favorite type of chocolate? .... tough call.... umm... dark.
5. Ever met anyone in royalty? nope
6. Are you creative? depends on the medium
7. Are you a lonely person? almost always
1. Closest yellow thing to you? the handle of a pair of scissors
2. The happiest time[s] of your life? *shrug* I have no idea, would have to say Gov school... yeah... Fall Break last year, though a little unnerving was pretty awesome.
3. Favorite holiday? Winter Vacation, aka Christmas
4. Are you a coward? "if I have time to think, yes. If I'm thrust in the situation, no." gonna have to say ditto.
5. Do you burn or tan? burn
6. Do you want children? maaaaaybe
7. What makes you feel warm and safe? as much as I would like to say being held, it honestly causes more anxiety than it eases, at least for now.
1. Closest blue thing to you? jeans, (if not clothing, my mouse.)
2. Are you good at calming people down? I dont think so, I am a good listener though.
3. Do you like the sea? yup
4. What was the last thing that made you cry? the last time I sat down and thought about my life, and what I am going to do (aka last night)
5. Are you a logical thinker? unless it comes to my life
6. Can you sleep easily? not lately
7. Do you prefer the beach or the woods? beach
1. Closest pink thing to you? ummm... a paperclip.
2. Do you like sweet things? god yes.
3. Like play-fighting? like video games? or like between people, let's throw insults at each other and laugh our asses off later? both = sometimes.
4. Are you sensitive? overly
5. Do you like punk music? not too much
6. What is your favorite flower? orchids and roses
7. Does someone have a crush on you? as far as I know, no.
1. Closest orange thing to you? Goldfish!!! (in my hand) (and mouth)
2. Do you like to burn things? someone doesn't?
3. Do you dress up for Halloween? nope
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? generally, unless I am driving, or thrust in a scary situation
5. Do you prefer the single life or the security of a relationship? "Having been single all my life, im getting pretty sick of it" (again, have to steal Scott's answer)
7. What would your super power be? transformation! Beast Boy!!!
So I just finished by clocking in 42.1 hours this week at work. I am exhausted. and now I am off to the Post Office to find one of my packages, and see if they have any word on the other two... *sigh* so... tired...