Heroes Last Night!

Apr 24, 2007 09:25

Heroes returns! Yeay! Last night's show was very informative.
-Linderman, of all people, can heal.
-Mrs. Patrelli apparaently has a power. I would dearly love to know what it is. I really hope we find out next week.
-Is Mohinder really that stupid? Of course, I know that he is incredibly naive, but I hope he figures out how to use that brain of his and stay out of this one. I really don't want to see him as part of that organization. Linderman funding the org wasn't that much of a shock to me, although in light of his powers it has me a bit curious.
-Not really sure how it is that Micah is supposed to be the one to fix everything. I was sort of sad I didn't get to see Jessica beat the crap out of "Chameleon Bitch."
-Now we see the cards moving everyone towards New York. Bennett's lack of worry over where his wife and son really are is mildly disturbing, but not unexpected. I'm not really sure how he thinks shutting off the tracking system is going to help him though. Neither he nor Claire have the implant, as far as we know.
-Where'd the Hatian go? He just disappeared out of the Patrelli house? What? Or is he hiding so he doesn't have to explain things to Claire?
-We didn't really get into much with Hiro and Ando and I'm not real sure where that's going at this stage.
-How does Isaac think it will help people learn how to kill Syalr by giving his sketch book to the courrier? Or do you think he wrote it into the comic?

Made myself a snazzy new icon from it though. :)


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