Guinness information

Jul 03, 2010 15:08

Now that DragonCon’s world record attempts have been announced, there has been a flurry of questions about what is and what is not acceptable for costuming. I hope this helps answer some of those questions. Please, please remember that these are rules put down by Guinness and not me, the event staff, or DragonCon. Since we can't be on every forum, I ask the word to be spread far and wide. The information booth at the con will also have a hand-out, and any changes will be posted. Thank you.

Superhero record:
1. Everyone that wishes to participate must be in FULL costume. This means that a Superman t-shirt, jeans, and a cape are not acceptable. Anyone not in full costume will not be counted.
2. Although participants must be in full costume, this does not mean if part of it is “off” you will not be counted. If the boots aren’t exactly perfect or the color is a bit darker than the original character’s, please don’t sweat it. This is not a costume contest, so don’t sweat the small stuff.
3. Do feel free to go buy a pre-made costume store outfit. We need numbers! We will not be judging you. We just want to get into the book.
4. What exactly is Guinness’ idea of a superhero? They weren’t very specific, so we need to keep in mind they are not con-goers like we are, therefore we need to keep this simple. Guinness’ requirements state the heroes must be instantly recognizable, so let’s stick to that point.
5. Does instantly recognizable mean nothing but Superman and Batman? No, not at all. We’re all very passionate about our costumes, and I have never seen a more creative bunch of people than those that attend DragonCon, but let’s remember the Guinness people are not as into the costumes and lore as we may be. If you have to carry a biography of your character, you might want to rethink the costume for one a bit less obscure.
6. There are sometimes different versions of characters where the costumes have changed. The costumes from the graphic novel version of The Watchmen and the movie version are acceptable as are the various incarnations of Batman, so don’t sweat the difference in any character you choose. (Using The Watchmen and Batman was just for example’s sake)
7. We’re going to stick to Westernized characters. Basically if it was popular in the States and England, we’re good to go. I understand manga and anime are huge, but unless the character is well known (Powder Puff Girls, Sailor Moon, Power Rangers to name a few), please save the costume for another event.
8. The superhero can be from TV, movie, or published book and comic.
9. This leads to what exactly is a superhero? I know to some The Joker is a hero, but in this case we’re going to stick to the good guys. The men and women who battle crime, villains, and threats to the world with or without superhuman powers are what Guinness wants. Perhaps another year we’ll be able to do generic comic characters or something that encompasses villains as well, but this year is just for the good guys.
10. If there is still any doubt as to whether your costume is ok, show up to the event anyway. Honestly, unless your character is really, really obscure and we have to Google it, you’re most likely able to participate. Come and be counted!!
11. No, alter egos will not be accepted. We want the hero, not his or her boring every day self.

Star Trek record:
1. Participants must be in full costume. A generic red t-shirt and black pants will not be accepted. You must have the proper attire with as much detail as you can get. We need the Star Fleet symbol, the Klingon forehead ridges, or the Vulcan ears or whatever race you choose to represent to be obvious and well done.
2. You must choose a character/alien race from official Star Trek movies, TV shows, novels, and comic books.
3. There will be an expert there to check out the costumes, but please don’t worry about the very small details. Again, if the color is slightly off or the shoes tie instead of buckles, please don’t sweat it. We are not judging your costumes, but we do need you to try to be as close as you can. The details that make the character recognizable are necessary.
4. Again, feel free to buy a costume store pre-made outfit to wear. As long as it is Star Trek, we want you.

General information:
1. Everyone that participates will be counted individually, therefore we appreciate your patience. It will take time to get everyone into the room, so please understand you may be in line for a while.
2. Everyone will be photographed and video-taped. This is for evidence that we will turn into Guinness World Records, and will sadly never be seen by anyone but Guinness. Other photography will be done for those participating, though, and you will be able to take your own photos before and after the event.
3. During the actual event, everyone must remain in place for ten minutes. Yes, all you have to do is stand in your assigned spot for ten minutes while we take pictures. No dancing is involved this year. Can I get a “hurray”?
4. There will be no registration table for either event, although DragonCon may ask that people register online from the site between now and the convention to get an idea of numbers.
5. Please listen to staff’s instructions during the event. We need to get everyone counted so we get an accurate record of participants, but we also don’t want to take hours out of your con time to do this. Listening will make this go quickly and smoothly for all of us.

rules, costume group, contests

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