Last week I took in a foster dog for a local rescue In the past 10 days the rescue has needed fosters for about 10 dogs (and that number is climbing). I put in a comment that said I would take one of the fosters talked about in the foster email, but Shelley and Jennifer asked me to take this little guy instead. His name was Chico (gross). They said he was a Chihuahua that was seized from a home due to abuse (and possible puppy mill activity). He was very fearful, aggressive and shut down, but would I take him? So I said yes.
The first thing that happened once I got him is I changed his name. After a day or two of calling him "Buddy" and "Pup" I decided he was an Oliver. Not long after, I did some research, because this boy did not look like a Chi. He has very long legs, a long body and a tail to match. It was apparent, after looking at some photos, that Ollie was a Miniature Pinscher; if there was Chi in him, it wasn't much!
After a few days, Ollie began to come out of his shell: he let me pet him, he took treats (not any treat would do, mind you) gently from my hand, and one night he abandoned his little bed in the foyer and invited himself up on the big bed. Milestone! He turned out to be quite the cuddler. After that night he began to seek attention, sitting with me on the couch and begging to come up in my lap while I am at the computer (which is where he is right now). He loves walks (or should I say sprints - he's go-go-go out on a leash) and today he went up to a stranger and solicited an invitation. And that was only Day 2 of actually letting me leash him. Crazy great progress for little more than a week in a stable, happy-dog household.
He still has a ways to go with eating meals around the other dogs. I have to lure him towards his dish with kibble and then stand sentry over everyone while they eat. Then housebreaking needs to be addressed. Now that he knows leash/collar + me = outside funtimes we can give that a go.
Anyway, that was a loooooooooong story to get to the point of the post: a picture of Oliver. He doesn't like things in his face (naturally) so he hated the camera and tried to hide from it, but I think I got a pic or two that shows how handsome he is :)