April 20:
There is a Jem... convention... in Maine... I just... am scared and awed.
Working on two writing things for class right now. I'm not good at this writing thing. My creative stuff is short and to the point. I'm lost when it comes to writing creative things beyond two paragraphs.
April 29:
Got the final for my Humanities class. Teacher decided to make it take-home. Some of the questions that make me shrug: "Tell me if you have changed the way that you look at art now? Give examples." "Tell me what is meant by the term inspiration."
May 1:
Almost done with my film project... just need some background audio for the science lab, then merge everything together.
May 3:
Concept for future arts: My character + Figment from Disney.
May 5:
I thought I had finished the video I had been working on for the past two months when I realized that all of the audio levels were being affected by the auto volume adjustment setting on my soundcard. I've been in a mad dash to re-do all of the audio.
May 7:
Had my theater final yesterday, I think I did very well. My final video project was well received by the class. Still some things that I need to fix with it, but overall am satisfied.
Click to view
May 9:
Trying to think of what game I want to play now that finals are almost over... I have a bunch of games on Steam, but just don't know.
Right now I'm studying for my Writing for the Media course... its my last final for the semester.
May 11:
I think I did really well on my Writing class. Had a showing this afternoon of all the projects from the television programs. They were all pretty good, and several people seem to really enjoy mine. Afterwards, the teacher said that mine really belonged in the show, but several of them should not have.
May 13:
I have discovered a really cute dragon comic by the artist Ribnose at
http://meadowhawk.net/. I asked about donating to be in the background. She said sure, but it will be a while before there is a need for background critters.
May 15:
I've started to play a game called Chaser. Pretty good so far. I read that someone said that this is what Red Faction II was supposed to be like, and so far that feels true.
May 16:
I really dislike this auto scrolling when typing thing with Livejournal now.
May 24:
Just got back from a few days on the beach with a friend. I'm not really a beach person.
May 28:
I rescued a very large caterpillar today on the road. Identified it as a white-lines sphinx. I've never seen a caterpillar so large in person before.
May 29:
My mom published a children's book, and I had to ask really hard for her to give me an early copy.
I was on a bus. Turns out the person in front of me was a time traveler and I got caught in the field thing when he went back to the 50s. We were still on a bus, but I saw a classmate get off of the bus. We returned to the present. Things looked slightly different, especially tombstones. I asked the person in front of me if this was normal, the changes, but he didn't really answer. In front of us was a strange light floating around... I thought we had finally seen a UFO, but turned out to be the flare that someone was setting up at an accident.
I was an extra in a film in a diner. I was killed by a vampire.
May 31:
At my friend's in Baton Rouge. We went to see Fast and Furious 6. It was wondefully terrible. Definitly going to see the seventh movie.
Watched a movie called Thunderpants yesterday. Boy was it a movie... it sure was.
June 02:
Note to self: Look at Desktop Rainmeter in the future.
Note to self: Bugguide.net.
It was suggested to me to watch the anime Paula Megi Madoka Magica, saying it has a well made story in 12 episodes.
June 04:
I was introduced to the paleo diet yesterday. Considering looking into it not as to lose weight, but many of the recipes are things that I would actually eat, unlike things from most cook books. Would only have to remove one or two ingredients (mushrooms or olives) rather than basically everything.
June 06:
School has started up. The speech class sounds like it is going to be pretty easy. I only have to give a 5 - 7 minute speech at the end of the semester. I still haven't heard anything yet about an internship class I signed up for.
June 08:
Talked to a teacher about the internship class. We will see about setting something up soon.
June 10:
Software to look into: F.lux monitor brightness adjustment software, and TreeSheet origination software.
June 12:
I've started to use the tablet that a friend gave me. I've been trying out PaintTool SAI and like how it feels.
June 14:
I made a sketch based on a joke that I use that old computer parts is my porn.
I'm really considering getting a new phone, Samsung Galaxy S4 Active.
I think I'd really like to try a Spyro game one day.
June 15:
My friend said I should play
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Spyro:_A_New_Beginning, then
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Spyro:_The_Eternal_Night, then
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Spyro:_Dawn_of_the_Dragon. (Really just a note to myself.)