I sit here reflecting on the last few weeks.
I have been opening up to my therapist on some possibly serious things. Stuff I haven’t ever really shared with anyone because the truth is... I don’t know. It can be hard when you have a attached memory but not all the pieces to make a full picture where you know exactly what happened. All you have to hold on to is just small bit that is just enough to make you worry, to give rise to concern, and to fule anxiety.
I started this work with my therapist because of school. Being in school to become a therapist myself, I wanted to be less triggered by all the traumas in my life.
So I am working on it but that hasn’t really been easy, then again therapy isn’t sapped to be easy. Little by little I feel like my focus is shifting away from the traumas and onto the joys that were also there.
What you focus on grows.
I know I will likely never have all the answers that I want. There maybe no real resolution to be had other than the knowledge that I survived so much and was made to go through some really significant things.
But all the while as I experienced the darker sides of life, I found reselience, grit, and hope.
I came out of it all as this decent human that for the most part has his act together and isn’t all that bad off.
I raised from the shadows into the light.
So even if i were to remember the shadows of my youth why would it matter or change anything.
I am a survivor and I strive to overcome all that was put before me.