I finally figured it out! Oh lord, after months and months of this I finally figured it out!
See, I write and draw two different web comics, and they have very different worlds and very different characters and very different plotlines and overall they're just totally different from each other. So imagine my embarassment when, after coming up with endings for the both of them, I realized they they pretty much ended exactly the same! Oh, they take different paths to get there, and the characters involved are different, there were enough differences that I'm sure people wouldn't scream at me, but the actual events that transpired were pretty much the same and it was really bothering me. Especially since I'd gone through several other endings to both stories before settling on the current one.
So, one of them needed to change. I decided pretty quickly that the comic that was running longer would be the one I'd alter, since the newer one is much more story-oriented and it made more sense (as much as anything I do does) for that ending with that story. The older comic is a lot mroe fluid anyway. But the problem was, I had no idea what I could change it to. Like I said, I'd had other endings before this one, none of them worked right so I couldn't really go back to them, and there were elements of the current ending I really wanted to keep.
I kept plugging ahead, occaisionally pondering the issue, but never coming up with anything, then yesterday, it just kind of hit me. Like a bolt out of the blue! I don't even know what I was thinking about that triggered it, but it came to me, and it was so perfect AND it allows me to keep those elements from the earlier ending that I liked! It's a little cheesier than the other ending, I think, but in a way that makes it better, because it's for the cheesier story. It fits on every level! I'm so excited to finally have it come together.
Now, I can't reveal what the ending WAS or what changes I made because...
Though, I'm not sure anybody here really cares about it regardless, haha! (And even if you did, I'd have a hell of a time talking about it. I wanna discuss this stuff with people so bad, but when people actually ask me about it I freeze up and get all embarassed. UUUUURRRRGGHH! Truly, this is the greatest tragedy of our time./sarcasm )
So, if I'm not going to tell you what the changes were, I'm just going to rant that changes were made, you've pretty much all learned exactly squat from this post. Making it...
Who cares, I figured it out! I am so stoked! There's still some details to iron out, but those'll be FUN to plan, not tedious, because I no longer have to worry about how similar they are to the other comic! WHOO!