Title: Welcome to Sunrise Acres
blackbyrdyFandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Pretend!couple. Set vaguely in season 2. Panty-kink.
Summary: Situated outside of Phoenix, Arizona, Sunrise Acres boasted of being a quiet, affluent gated community with all the latest amenities: a truly better way of living. With a zero percent crime rate, the only real problem according to residents were the coyotes that sometimes slipped the fence and prowled the neighborhood. Of course, that was before residents started disappearing and the dried out corpses starting piling up in the desert. To hunt the creature responsible, Sam and Dean become the newest couple at Sunrise Acres.
Word Count: 37093
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Art PostAO3 Author's Notes and Acknowledgements:
Written for the 2011
spn_j2_bigbang challenge.
wendy and
thehighwaywoman are amazing, amazing individuals.
First off, major thanks go out to
moragmacpherson for the awesome alpha read-through. Bringing her incredible research talents and truly mind-blowing store of Supernatural trivia, she's the only reason why this fic gained any coherence at all and without her, this fic would have never been written. I owe you so much.
Beta credits go to
jaimeykay and
entropyrose who are amazing in their own rights and I still can't believe how fast they went through this.
Thanks, as well, to
blackbyrdy who put up with all of my crap including never being quite happy with this fic and changing everything on her multiple times. Your patience is just out of this world (along with your talent, bb ♥ ).
Finally, thanks to those on my flist and elsewhere who stoically endured my endless whining about this fic.