Title: Simmer
dragonspellFandom: SPN
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Set vaguely during season 9
Summary: He and Sammy haven’t been doing so well lately and by that, Dean doesn’t just mean their score on the Heaven vs. Everyone scorecard, though, yeah, that pretty much sucks, too. There’s too much simmering between them, like hot lava
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Comments 10
I am simultaneously turned on AND an incoherent mess of ALL THE FEELS.
♥ ♥
I loved all of it, but for some reason this bit was so visually raw and screamed so loudly of what's between them...
Sam gives Dean an odd look, part scowl and part trying to hide it, and he tries to slip past Dean to head back to his books for a little while. Pretend that this is just a job, that Dean’s just a partner.
It’s such bullshit.
Dean snags Sam’s arm, ignoring the dismissive flick of Sam’s wrist and the clenching of his fist
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