Hi/ 안녕하세요 :D
I'm 'new' to LJ but I have often stalked/lurked about.
Do people actually do introductory posts? I actually like reading them so I'm doing one regardless. They're really hard to do though so I'll just make a list of moderately interesting/things about me. Interestingness is all relative aha!
1. I like BIG BANG and my bias is Jiyong, I ship GRi and sometimes GTOP lol, partly because of the amazing GTOP fanfic writers :P
2. I am a pretty stereotypical Chinese kid, y'know the sort.
3. Despite the fact that the characters I write swear like sailors I never ever swear in real life (not because of any crazy principles that I hold - I just don't.)
4. I use smilies too much - I'm trying to cut down. Closest thing to an addiction.
5. I don't care; I do care about what other people think about me.
6. Have you ever played that game where you have to describe yourself in 3 words? Although of course 3 words is doing someone a serious disservice I'd say these words: changeable, admiring, cynical+idealistic at exactly the same time
7. I used to read and write a lot, now I do neither much.. so I'm gonna change things with this..
Come by and say hi, I'm quite nice, honest :)
PS: My asianfanfics account is 'dragonfly' but I'm working up my karma points to change rofl.