ARIA night! The joy, the tears. Okay, not so much with the tears, at least this year.
Jet won, like, 6 awards... that was getting a bit old, because there were other great bands that I would have loved to have seen get up, but such is life.
Kasey Chambers got at least one award, which was cool, because she's a really nice, cool girl and she's been working her butt off performing since she was a kid. She really does a great live show, too, and I was really loving the song she performed tonight. I must admit, I'm not crash hot on some of her music, but it's certainly nice bushie music at a festival, and yeah, this song she did tonight I really loved.
Let me see - what else did I love?.... ^_^ Oh yes, two of the guys from Powderfinger presented - Bernard and one of the other guys whose name I always forget (sorry other guy!), and they are always lovely.
John Butler won several awards, which was sick, because he's ace, and he performed "Zebra", which is so fucking funky I wanna get naked and break and re-make yo heart on the dancefloor. LOL. Yes. It's rad - it's make you jump and shout kind of groovy. Move yo booty groovy. Am I over excited? Why yes, yes I am!!
Delta performed, and I may be softening towards her. LOL. It's not that I liked the song, or anything, but she seems to have mellowed and grown a little. Also, go her for making her lingerie line to suit women with breasts bigger than a B cup! I don't have too much of a problem with bras, I'm not Pamela Anderson big or anything, but so many of them really are made for tiny (but beautiful!) boobs and it's not fair! When I used to work at India Fox, it was terrible, though. Almost all of we girls had C cup or bigger boobs and none of the tops fitted us! And we'd have to wear their clothes, it was compulsory, so whenever someone would find a top they sold that fitted us we'd all rush and grab one. Guh.
Anyway, I was talking about the ARIAs, wasn't I?
Who else performed.... oh, Jet did "Are You Gonna Be My Girl"again. They were joking about how they always have to play it for tv so I guess I have to blame the producers, not the band.
Pete Murray did "Beautiful" and that was so fine. I really like that dude, he's an excellent performer.
Missy Higgins did Scar, which was great. It was a bit rough-and-ready, but I like that. A lot.
Then there was also the "classic line up" of the Little River Band, they got one of those long term achievement awards, I think.
Tina Arena, Chris Isaak, Katie Noonan (she of George fame), the Black Eyed Peas, and a whole bunch of other people I can't quite tease out of my brain right now also presented. The international acts can only present, not perform, as it's the Australian Recording Industry Awards.
Ziri was watching basically just for Guy and Shannon Noll. So anyway, they both performed, Guy won highest selling single and album, fun was had by all.
I really loved a lot of the acceptance speeches. They were cool. Ummmmm...
Koolism won an award. Nice lads.
Cat Empire didn't win anything ::cries::... They were up against Jet, so it just wasn't gonna happen. But, you know, everyone's happy for everyone else at the ARIAs, so it's all good, no worries.
John Butler kissed Rove, which was amusing, because Rove is like this tiny, schoolboyish munchkin type guy, who's pretty cool but just a little, erm... not used to that kind of thing, and John's just irresistable, he could get away with anything, so it was perfect, and Rove was all "hey, baby ::eyebrow waggle::" the whole rest of the night. He goes "I hope that was an ARIA in your pocket, because if not, you've got the most dangerously shaped penis in the whole building", or something like that. Oh yeah, when Tina Arena gave John an award, she goes, "here, it's a weapon of mass destruction" (don't quote me), which garnered much amusement, and he goes "that must mean it doesn't exist!".
Oh yeah, and Tim Freedman made a reference to the "disastrous" election result and John Butler said something like "lies and hatred win more votes than education and health" (I was out of the room for that one, but I hear that is how it went). And I think a few others made those kind of references, too, so that was fantastic.
Fantastic fashion sense was had by all (or at least, most, but hey, this is Australia, and it's the music awards, so 1) that's to be expected, hehehe, and 2) nobody would really care if someone got up in their ugg boots... oh wait, we're not allowed to call them "ugg boots" anymore, are we?)
Rove made cheerful fun of Andrew G, the Hillsong-ers and Mark Holden, to the delight of... well, me. For one.
OK, that'll do for the ARIAs, because although there was heaps of other stuff, I can't remember it all or be bothered writing about it. Hahaha!
In other news, le Fiend has knocked out a tooth, so I'm a little bit upset. I don't know how the hell he did it, but it was very similar to Sug's so I'm wondering if maybe they did the same thing, whatever it was. Apparently the vet implied that it was very unusual, when mum took Sug earlier in the year, so I'm quite puzzled. It was just the tooth, with no other injury, so it's not obviously a battle wound.
It's very distressing to see my little mate in pain. It was hanging there at first but it seems to have fallen out, now. It was one of his big teeth, too. He seems to be okay, just in need of cuddles. I'll wash it with salt water, too, because it could get dirty and I can't afford the vet this week, and don't want to be forced to pawn something (fuck knows what!), or call my grandfather for a loan, to take him if it gets infected.
Send him love, people, send him love. ^_~
Today it's lovely and cool and raining. Nice change from our heatwave of last week.
Oh yeah, and the BP is gone! That's right, old faithful, she is gone! No more late night walks for chocolate, or cigarettes, or milk! They're turning Sunnyholt Rd into a freeway or something, I dunno. They're widening it, anyway. I was blown away when I went up there the other morning, there's not another service station within helpful walking distance, so it's a real bitch. God, think if we were still partying up here, how bad it would be with no BP! I mourn for the area's intoxicated youth, I really do. Not to mention my mum, who will no doubt spend many a painful, withdrawing night after having smoked all her cigarettes in a fit of involved, chain-smoking washing, typing, sewing, etc. Crudness.
Saw a lovely girl I used to work with in Parra the other day, which was wicked. I'm browsing in Tree of Life and someone grabs me from behind in a big hug and it was so exciting! "Eeeeeeee! Emma!!!!" So apparently she's working there now, and she gave me the goss on the gang, which was way cool, as I haven't seen most of 'em in a long time. Two are living in Japan, now, the lucky biggers! Emma herself is getting hitched, soon, to her lovely, long standing fella. Those two are just so sweet, I really adore them. And Emma is quite extraordinary looking, it hits me every time I see her, she's got these amazing eyes and fabulous red dreads, curves, luminous pale skin, beautiful smile, hexcellent fashion sense, total sweetie nutter - all round knock-out. She got some ink finished on her lower back which is really gorgeous, too. Apparently it was only partially done for several years, which is why we never saw it before. She was just up at Global Carnival, in Bellingen, which would have been stand-out - wish I'd been there!!!
Oooooooooh, I'm so HUNGRY! Damn you, BP, damn you!! I'd even eat a chicken hero, right now, and that's some bad shit, I tell ya. You'd have to be desperate. Or drunk. Or... both.
I should also be finishing moving my bookshelf and desk - I've left stuff all over my bed and I don't wanna be too buggered to finish and have to shove evrythign onto the floor so I can sleep. Eh, I'll do it soon. I really need to eat something first.
This entry's getting really long, and I'm yawning a lot, so I shall finish this now.
edit: Didn't get furniture moving finished. Anyone who predicted this gets a gold star.