I opened up my childhood diary because I wanted to see if I had drawn a picture of the monster in the dog house. It was so amusing that I thought I would type it up so I could have a pretend-permanent digital copy. Will I ever do this with my high school and college diaries? Now THAT will be a friends-only entry.
In these first entries there were a lot of letters that I wasn't entirely sure about.
OctoBeR 9
I dolev in ma9ic
Joe has a gglou trap
October 9
I Love liz
9 1988
this diary has keas
At 9ramps
I trnd the tv
28 1988
this wecand wer
going to gramos
she has toys fore
today at reses there was
a tobe with wotr comein
out of it I trid to hokit up
I go my fase all wat
Nevr toch wir wen
your toching a tree
don't pot out a fir
on a wir intill its
Never go in the
wotr wer there
is thondere
[Good safety advice all around]
1 1988
Wen I have Luch
in the kafotereo
nohing sas Meat alll
but the first day
I didn't felle so
5 1988
today I had a horodol
time picing up my Room
6 1988
Lindsay go in your tree House avry day
thar mite be boys!
[So that's where they've been all this time!! I need to try some new dating websites because thar mite be boys there too.]
[Edit: 20 years later to the day, I advanced to candidacy in my Ph.D. program. This is a good thing but kind of the opposite of finding boys in the tree house.]
[I don't think I had a tree house. There was a play house and plenty of outdoor play space though.]
9 1988
today is Justin's
Birthday and my brownie
19 1988
Today I was the frst one
don with everything.
3 1988
Today Hathr and Lara kame.
Lara and I plaed school.
26 1988
The snow was in time for
Christmas! An' I didn't thingk
18 1989
Just a reminder Molly
won't have babys. Shes
geting stichs today
March 22,
I went to story hour. Megen
was there and Matt was there. Mara and Joe deanes too.
we red my rabbit and Peter
rabbit, rabbits mostake,
run away Bunny, hhoe for a
Bunny, fropsy Bunnys, and Moon
6, 29, 1989
Many years ago I had a dream.
I call it "The flying light." I was
at gramy and grampas in burlen.
This flying light came into the
house. It went up a tube and
made a buzzing sound that
scared gramy and me.
May 5,
Today was great.
Me and Justin
pushed eachother
into the pond. It
was kind of worth
getting in trouble.
Yesterday Gramy
and Grampa came
over to celabrate Dad's
Justin got a gun
that made sounds
and I got a purse.
I am in the third
June 15,
This morning
Tiger saw a
cat for the first
time since he was
a kitten. He just
stared at it. It was
orange and white.
Grammy on Dad's
side is comeing
over this afternoon.
June 16,
Today is Father's
Day. We are going
out for breakfast.
If we go to Toys
'R' Us, I'm getting
some PEZ and
a Yoyo Ball.
June 17,
Yesterday at break-
fast, a little boy
said I had balls
in my hair. [I remember this but didn't realize it was so long ago! They were plastic balls attached to the hair elastic.]
Today I got
a Yoyo ball
and had fun with
Trick day! June 18,
Trick acompleshed.
The trick was
I drank out
of a paper cup
and then put it
back in the cup-
holder. [Gasp, the horror of cooties.]
Today I went
to the dental
We went swimm-
ing today. Justin
sprayed me to
death with a cold
Wednesday June 19,
Today we went
picking. We only
got half of what
we wanted. Mom
made some jam
and Justin and I
made chockolets.
[A 9-year-old worried that we didn't get enough berries! My mom is such a task master ;) ]
June 20,
Today we went
to York Beach. At
Fun O Rama, I got
a pick Spit Ball.
June 21,
We went to the
super market
today. I got a
cap bomb. We
watched Family
Matters and
Perfect Strangers.
June 22, 1991
We cleaned up the
driveway today and
went swimming.
We went to the
Weather Vane tonight.
June 23,
Today Grammy
came over. She brought
Ninja Turtle crackers.
Two days ago I got
a book called
Bunnicula. It's
about a bunny
who sucks juice
out of vegetables
until they are
white. I'm already
finished with it.
June 24,
I an at Aunt Carla's
house. We swam
in the lake. I am
sleeping over.
June 25,
Aunt Karla gave
me a amathest
and a moon sticker. We went
swimming again
today. I'm reading
a book called
Half Magic.
[Gosh, I'm looking at that sticker, still on the ceiling in my old room. I can see Half Magic on the bookshelf. I'm fairly certain that the same amethyst piece is sitting on a tray in my room in California.]
June 26
Justin's friend
Nate came over
today. I saw
his puppy, Buster.
June 27,
Today I got
some new
sandles. Mom
got an interveiw
for guidents
[Huh, I remembered that she worked as one before I was born but I didn't remember that she had looked for that type of job again.]
June 29,
Today was the
Festival. I got
a Necklace with
a little basket
that contained
a cat, a skeleton
mask, and a
bottle I filled
with different
colored sands.
June 30,
Today I got a
Magic Nursury
Toddler. Her name
is Allison.
[I think that was my black doll. I practiced affirmative action with my toys, or at least that one. Oh, the weird looks we got in restaurants in Northern New England.]
July 1,
I'm at Joe and
Maura's. We went
to Staurbridge
Villige. My
favorite part was
when the sheep
just got sheered
and were all
running back
to their pen. I
played baseball.
A kid named
Brad stole a tenis
July 28, 1991
Last night I accident-
-ily put on my
shorts insted of
my pajama
bottems. Then I
went right to
bed so Mom
didn't see me.
Then when Justin
woke up he asked
me why I had
my shorts on.
So I got my
pajama bottoms
Aug. 3, 1991
The Thing Catchers
Last winter, both
me and Justin saw
a "Thing" in the old
Dog house. This winter
Justin and I will
be looking for it
again. In the mean-
-time, we will be looking
for snipes, loohoos,
and other "Things".
Boy, it's been a long time
since I wrote in a diary. Alot
has happened, like going into
MJHS and getting Petunia, my
rat. Christmas is just around
the corner.
Guess list '93
1Seed beads + threadPerquacky2Blow gun3Ask Zandar45Enterprise Model6Book/?Star Trek Compendium6Pencil sharpener812Rocket stuffHeath. + LauraBean Bag teddy bearHeath. + LauraGift Bag (candy, frisbee, funny glasses etc.)JustinPoppin' PestsPoppin' PestsFor BothDragon StrikeDragon Strikeno togpuzzle gameRepeat
[All of our presents were numbered, not so that we could open them in order but so that Justin and I could open presents of equal worth at the same time. We spread it out over several days and my Mom has an obsession with fairness.]
Some of the things I
got in my stocking are:
glue gun and a hat to decorate,
an attack Pack, and a
chocolate orange. From Grammy
C. I got an Eyewitness Book
on the Azteks, Incas, and
Mayans. (I love those
books!) From Uncle Mike
and family I got seed
beeds and thread in a cute
container. From Grammy
and Grandpa R. Justin and
I got a universal dictionary
and thesaurus. From Aunt
Karla + family I got an
omnistar that I had
fun building and playing
with. There are still
more presents to be
I am going to Elizabeth's
house today.
[How is it that in elementary school, my spelling, capitalization, and punctuation were better than those of the average teenager who joins [website name redacted for public entry]? Graaargh!!]