so excited..

Oct 13, 2016 11:57

It's SUPERDAY! S12 starts TONIGHT! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Promos (spoilers): CW 2016 SeasonCW SizzleJ2 interviewExtended TrailerS12 Sneak Peek

spn, spn s12, superday squee, superday, spn promos

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Comments 4

twnchesterangel October 13 2016, 17:12:12 UTC
Omigosh, I am sooooo excited! Thanks for the clickable links! I hadn't seen that J2 interview yet. Bring on S12!!!! *hugs*


dragynville October 13 2016, 19:58:19 UTC
Welcome! :D Did you see Jensen filming Jared pretending to strip in the first one? Those boys are so good to us!


twnchesterangel October 13 2016, 22:29:31 UTC
NO! I hadn't seen that! Nice. Omg, YES Jared. I am ready. And they ARE so so so good to us. Jensen's laugh was beautiful there too! Guh. Beautiful boys. I can't wait for tonight. Thanks for pointing that out! *hugs*


dragynville October 14 2016, 00:02:02 UTC
Just added the one I forgot, the sizzle reel, where Sam and Dean compare the size of their swords. Literally. ;D The rest are all serious, then we get J2 being suggestive, it's like Christmas has come early.

I'm so excited for tonight, one hour away! *hugs you* :D


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