Title: 1553 Years
Rating: PG
Word count: 547
Summary: When Merlin found out he was immortal... Immortal!Merlin fic, with a reincarnating Arthur. *Shrug*
Disclaimer: Not mine, I don't have enough money to create a TV program.
When Merlin found Arthur near-dead, covered in blood, he nearly broke. When Arthur promised Merlin that he'd never forget him, Merlin broke completely, letting years of fears and lost hopes take over and he cried. But, he had hope that one day he'd be able to see Arthur once more in the peace of Avalon.
When Merlin found out that he was immortal - 8 years after Arthur had died - he didn't have a clue as to how to respond, he just drifted aimlessly for weeks, doing as he usually does, and hiding the pain inside. Until, finally, he found a way to let the pain go.
When Merlin found out that Arthur would be reincarnated - 23 years after Arthur had died - he finally let himself feel hope, an emotion he'd given up on fourteen years ago. He'd finally see the man he loved again.
When Merlin found out that Arthur had been reincarnated - 48 years after the first Arthur had died - he spent the next twenty-eight years looking for him, only to find him with a wife, a child and a baby on the way. Merlin couldn't find it in himself to ruin that, couldn't take away that smile. When Merlin found out Arthur had died again - 92 years after the first Arthur had died - he found himself crying for a man he never met, and a life he never got to live.
When Merlin found Arthur's third reincarnation - 347 years after the first Arthur had died - Arthur had looked him right in the eye, and hadn't shown one hint of recognition. Merlin had barely managed to keep his tears at bay and he gave a cheerful introduction; "Hi! I'm Alun." Over the years, he got to love this new Arthur, or Matthew as he was known now, but he couldn't ignore the pain of a broken promise. Arthur had forgotten, but he still loved Merlin. When Merlin watched as Arthur died again - 408 years after the first Arthur had died - he found the strength to carry on, waiting for the next Arthur to come along.
When Merlin found Arthur's tenth reincarnation - 1286 years after the first Arthur had died - Arthur had fallen in love with the reincarnation of Morgana. Merlin didn't even know that the others would get reincarnated, but they did, every now and again, and they never remembered. Arthur never remembered. Merlin had to remember for them, but never say a word.
When Merlin found Arthur's thirteenth reincarnation - 1502 years after the first Arthur had died - Merlin had only caught a glimpse of the familiar face before it was destroyed by a stray machinegun bullet. Not surprising, considering how few people came back from going 'over the top'.
When Merlin found Arthur's fourteenth reincarnation - 1553 years after the first Arthur had died - they'd met in a coffee shop. Merlin's mochachino covering them both, and with embarrassed laughter they brushed themselves down. They looked up, apologies on their lips, but all that stumbled from Arthur's mouth was a stuttered "M-Merlin?!"
When Arthur found Merlin - 14 years after he finally remembered - he managed to make Merlin smile properly for the first time in a one-thousand-five-hundred-and-fifty-three years.
Creative criticism much appreciated!