Just posting a few drabbles.
Title: Untitled
Rating: PG?
Word count: 200
A/N: It's sad (surprise, surprise)
Nothing moved. The world seemed frozen in time. Maybe it was but Arthur couldn't be sure.
Merlin slept soundly beside Arthur, his back pressing into Arthur's side, a smile on his lips as the morning sunlight danced on his hair and face making him glow. Arthur smiled slightly at the sight.
As Arthur moved to get up, Merlin stirred, bleary eyes opening before focusing on Arthur, his smile vanished, leaving a pained look in it's place.
"Don't go." Merlin whispered.
"I... My father-"
"I understand, but..." The pained look remained "Just... Please come back?"
"I will, I promise."
Nothing moved. The world seemed frozen in time. Maybe it was but Merlin couldn't be sure.
As soon as he'd heard he'd ran as fast as he could away, from people, Camelot... Everything.
He found a glade deep in the forest, covered in buttercups. He fell to his knees, breathing erratic. Tears cascaded down his cheeks as the sky turned black.
"I told you not to go!" The pained scream ripped from his throat. "You said you'd come back! You promised!"
And as the rain fell from the newly-formed clouds, Merlin felt his world turn dark as his destiny faded from sight.
Title: Untitled
Rating: PG?
Word count: 150
A/N: Urm... *Shrug*
It all happened so fast and without warning, but that didn't stop me from reacting. I felt magic course through my veins demanding I use it to save Arthur. And I did. Magic flowing freely from my outstretched hand and halting the deadly spell in its path and sending it back towards its caster. The word seemed to freeze though it took me a moment to realise why, until I felt a hundred stares burning into me.
I glanced at Arthur. He was fine, albeit a little shook up, but I couldn't stand the betrayed look in his eyes. I turned away and saw the King, whose eyes bore into mine with such hatred, as if I'd been the one to attack Arthur. I knew in seconds what my fate would be and somehow, it didn't bother me as much as I expected.
A life for a life, I suppose.
Feed back is love! ^__^