And just maybe. Im to blame for all I heard. Im not sure.

Jan 02, 2006 03:50

And so it begins.

Happy new years.

And so it begins.

Happy new years everybody. Secretely I hope that it was as miserable as mine was. But thats not the polite thing to say. I got to work Velvet. Spent my new years mostly sober. It was a dissapointing night on many levels. But such is life. I cant dwell on dissapointments.

It was an interesting weekend. Actually got to chill with someone who is actually nice. For the most part most of the people I talk to are assholes. I guess it rubs off or something. It was nice to just chill with someone thats not all about ego but is just a nice person. It is genuinely hard to find. What can I say. Its always the fucking Libras.

Dont you hate walking by a room and overhearing people talking about you. It doesnt really happen too often to me but when it does its always interesting. Like they're talking really loudly at first then you hear the other person who sees you pass by say that you're right there under their breath. Then it gets silent. And its so obvious and you kinda want to walk into the room and say 'so whats up guys? yeah you're right I was standing right there'. But its not worth the interacting. And all this while you're just waiting to go to the fucking bathroom. God I hate Nation sometimes. I wonder if I could get away with not working for a month. Im thinking about it. I mean at least the holidays are over. And while Im on my break its definatly going to be hard being there while everyone else is partying. I dont know. I just dont know.

Man this month is gonna suck. I just know Ill be bored out of mind. I wanna go to Maine or something. God i just wanna get away from here. The fucking city man. It can wear you down after a while. Dont you wish you could find the locations in your dreams sometimes? I can think of forest and roads along the mountains where its perpetual twilight. Beaches with caves where you look out and see only light blue water with a stone path seemingly floating on top. All these impossible places. It cant be good when you would rather be in your dreams than in real life is it.

The funny thing about this whole break thing is that nobody really seems to get it. This isnt about my health. This isnt about money even. In all honesty its not even about the drugs and drinking. Its really about sociability.
Its hard enough for me.
Take me away from this big bad world and agree to ______me. (I love that entire song except for the 'agree to marry me' part.
Comeon man. The only time I ever want to chill with anyone was if there was the slight possibility of getting FUCKED up. I started making myself sick. I mean fuck. How else can people stand to be around each other if they're not fucked up? Or what else can people do when they hang out other than get fucked up? Are there even any options? If I dont have that as a possibility I want to see how I can actually carry along. I can tell right now. I probably wont be around much.

Hey. Just keepin' it real.
THANK gOD the fucking holidays are over.
Now if only spring would hurry up and get here.
I fucking hate wintertime. I blame it on the lack of sunlight and the excess of darkness.
I gotta blame it on someting.
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