There’s a lot happening in this episode. It could’ve felt stuffed, but instead it just feels exciting. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, spazzing and freaking out and having an awesome time. Definitely my favorite episode so far. I’ll start from the beginning and then go on to the end.
Pabu! You’re so cute. He’s like a kitty running from Ikki. And I love that Naga chases him. I wish I had a Pabu…
I love the airbender babies, as always! Ikki speed-answering questions, Meelo flirting with Asami, Ikki lacking all the tact in the world and telling Asami Korra likes Mako… I love them all so much and I would totally watch a show with just Tenzin’s family. Although I’m happy we have Korra and all the other characters and this amazing plot!
Grr, Tarrlok, you bastard! Even more so later in the episode, but I’m doing this chronologically… I love when Korra stood up to him and asserted her power. She is the Avatar and she really doesn’t need him. Then it hurt so much when he called her a failure. I just want to hug Korra tightly and tell her she’s amazing and wonderful and Tarrlok is just a horrible prick. Fortunately she has friends to comfort her!
Tenzin, you are a wonderful teacher. He’s just so supportive.
As I said, Korra’s got friends and they’re not going to let her wallow. I love that all three of them come and comfort her. Or four, I should say, since Pabu’s the first to find her. *squees over him* I love that it’s a team effort and not just one person comforting her.
The formation of the team was so badass! Asami with the electro-gauntlet and then their ride. OMG, I rarely ever get excited about cars, but this one is beautiful and ASDJ KAHSD KSAHDKSAHDKSAHDKSAHDSA! So excited for this! Team Avatar is amazing. Note: I wrote this before the arrest scene and now looking at it, I just feel sad… Of course, Team Avatar will have a wonderful reunion eventually and we shall all cheer and clap for them.
The scene where they’re chasing the motorcycles was so epic. The action in this show is phenomenal.
Hee, Mako being a gentleman was adorable. Of course Asami feels insecure about it - teenagers do get jealous about these sorts of things and it’s probably worse that Asami knows Korra likes Mako - but I don’t think it was anything more than a friendly gesture. I really like Asami and I don’t want her hurt but I really like Makorra and Masami and I just don’t know… Anyway, I’m just glad Mako wasn’t a douche in this episode.
Dear Tarrlok - I hate you and you should die. Because you are corrupt and punishing all non-benders for the crimes of a few. It’s not right. You are stripping people of the right to a fair trial and unfairly accusing people. Why? Because you’re afraid. Because you want power. Because you are a horrible, horrible person who is okay with denying people basic rights.
Hmm… This reminds me of what’s going on right now in the real world… A part of me can’t believe that this is a kid’s show. There are moments that remind me that yes, this is a kid’s show, but man, this just gets so dark and awesome.
I love that this show is exploring these angles. They’re so fascinating. Those non-benders didn’t deserve to be arrested and I love that Korra stands up for their rights. The scene is both beautiful and horrifying. Even as Korra stands up for the people (I love you Korra), the police are terrorizing them and this is just horrible.
I hate Tarrlok more than Amon. Probably because I really can’t stand people who do this sort of stuff. You corrupt, depraved, douche-y politician, you! He’s oppressing people. Even though what Amon is doing is clearly wrong and horrid, what Tarrlok is doing is even worse. Not to mention that it could totally push people to the Equalists. People who otherwise would not have anything to do with the Equalists might join because now there’s a lot of oppression and unfair imprisonment. This definitely reminds me of my class on the Middle East because a lot of the stuff happening there is very similar to the stuff happening on LoK.
Unfortunately Team Avatar is punished for it when three of them are arrested. It’s nice to see that Korra’s rashness hasn’t blinded her common sense; it would’ve done no good to fight against the police in that moment. Still, ouch having her friends arrested.
Cycon (spelling?), you really are the worst chief of police ever! Even Tenzin agrees! I love that he does.
Oh my Powers, that ending! That fight! It was amazing and I was cheering for Korra because things looked so good and she was so badass and I was a little afraid that someone would walk in and arrest her for attacking a council member and I never saw it coming! Tarrlok is a bloodbender! He’s a fucking bloodbender! This is terrifying. Previously, we’ve seen him manipulating people through power, emotions, and probably money. And now he can manipulate bodies even when it’s not the full moon! Fuck, this is bad.
Then he decides to take Korra somewhere. This is just so amazing! My poor Korra, being taken off to parts unknown. I can’t wait for next week.
By the way, her breathing fire was epic and looked really cool. I love all the bending on this show. That final battle had some of the best examples of bending in the series so far with the ice crystal shooting and then Korra’s amazing firebending.
Also, more visions. Was that Tarrlok in one of them? I think so… Was that what Aang’s spirit was trying to warn her about? I need to rewatch it.
Woah, what if Yukone is Tarrlok’s father? What if Yukone is Amon’s father too? What if they’re brothers and they have personal vendettas against one another and Amon was never loved by their father while Tarrlok was (because he was a bender) and Amon hates Tarrlok and Tarrlok hates Amon and they both want power which they’re getting through different methods and maybe I’m stretching this…