Title: A Good Man
Fandom: Angel
Author: Dralf
Wordcount: 575
Setting: Pre-series and all the way to NFA
Characters/Pairings: Wesley
Rating: G
Disclaimer: These are Joss Whedon's toys. I'm just playing with them.
Summary: Wesley always wanted to be a hero.
Notes: Another story that's been sitting around waiting for me to finish it. And I finally did.
When Wesley was little, he wanted to be a hero. He dreamed of caped crusaders, knights atop mighty steeds, and Greek warriors battling hydras and chimeras. He even had his superpower picked out; he would emit psychic blasts from his mind. Since he was so smart and all. Or magic, magic worked too.
Then Wesley learned of his Watcher heritage. He threw himself into his studies, determined to prove himself. If he could become a hero, he would make himself proud but more importantly he would make his father proud. It was his ultimate dream.
When he became Head Boy, he expected his father's approval. When he reached the top of his class, he expected to turn and see his father smile and say "that's my son" like all the other parents pointing out lesser achievements. However, it never happened and his father continued to mutter about worthlessness and disappointments.
When he was put in charge of not only one but two Slayers, he was ecstatic. Here was his chance to prove himself. Here was his chance to help the world. Here was his chance to do good. That hope crumbled, crushed by disobedient, smartass Slayers, the deputy mayor's murder, and his own incompetence facing the demon in the tub. Then Faith was dark and comatose while Buffy was done with the Council. Wesley was fired.
Well, if the Council wasn't going to appreciate him, Wesley would pave his own way. He would be a rogue demon hunter. The thought brought a smile to his face and the image of a suave, leather-clad man saving people from evil demons occupied his mind. He would be the dark avenger, lurking in the shadows, riding a motorcycle, the scourge of the underworld. Demons would fall before him and all would know his heroism.
He bought leather, telling himself that he would get used to the pants eventually even though they chafed uncomfortably in the worst of places. He bought weapons, which he hid under his clothing. He looked like the perfect hunter and for a while, he thought he was. It turned out he was a failure at rogue demon hunting and again his heroic dreams turned to dust.
Then Angel took him in and things were looking up. Help the helpless. It was a solid mission, one that promised to fulfill Wesley's life-long goal to be a hero. Plus, he got family, something his lone wolf career had denied him.
And for a while, things were good. He wasn't the leader, but he was vital to the group and he finally felt that he had a purpose. Angel made sure to include him and for that, Wesley was infinitely grateful for. He was the hero he wanted to be, fighting the good fight and doing all the right things.
As with the rest of his life, things fell apart. He thought he was doing the right thing, protecting the child from destiny, but instead he screwed up, the prophecy lies and his friendships tatters. Later, as he lay in bed, he wondered what it was about him that always messed things up. What made him so inadequate, such a failure? His father's words ('weak", "spineless", "pathetic") echoed through his mind and Wesley cringed into his covers, wishing it away.
In the end, Wesley wasn't a hero. He was simply a man, a good man, struggling to do what was right, succeeding and failing along the way.