
Mar 14, 2006 20:26

Okay, to celebrate the "first day" of the community, I thought I'd post a few scans and a few random picutres found on the internet to go with it, because let's face it, our Shugo need more love. I'll soon add a few links to Shugo sites and a list of everything he's done, because phew, he doesn't seem like it, but the boy is productive ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

sasword March 14 2006, 20:48:59 UTC
Scarf! I still think he's a bitch, but somehow that's kinda good....


protune March 15 2006, 06:54:43 UTC
Sarf!indeed! And yes, he's a bitch and we love him for it XD XD


ex_zenfu March 14 2006, 21:23:46 UTC
Pretteh, pretteh boy. ^__^


zauberer_sirin March 14 2006, 21:47:45 UTC
great pics. i adore the last one. thanks for posting them.


protune March 15 2006, 06:54:12 UTC
NP ^^


jeidai March 15 2006, 00:02:35 UTC
I was wondering, what of his work has been released in the U.S.? ^^


protune March 15 2006, 06:53:41 UTC
MMmmh...I think Aoi Haru, All about Lily Chou Chou and BR2 have been released in the US but I'm not sure at all.I knw they have been released in europe though ...so why not in the US ^^


jeidai March 16 2006, 06:00:22 UTC
okay, thanks!


dim_quiet March 15 2006, 03:13:03 UTC
god damn he is hott! Thanks so much for these. Expect some icons soon :D


protune March 15 2006, 06:53:57 UTC


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