read this entry as if i was saying it quickly and in my superexcited voice yeah you know what i mean

Feb 20, 2006 00:24

my mom and dad were here this weekend and we had lots of fun! we went to a basketball game and a movie and they met most of my csu friends and brother allen and brother ted and it was great and tomorrow morning we're going out to breakfast before they leave ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

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drama_nerd_986 February 20 2006, 18:29:16 UTC
Yay! They enjoyed meeting you guys too! We did have lots of fun! We didn't go to Jenny's Lunchbox, because I forgot where it was and I forgot to ask you last night... Next time, though, fo' sho'!


quarter_to_blow February 20 2006, 17:49:31 UTC
but i so love you!!!
ahhh no school is nice :)
no 8 am class! holla!


allykittycat February 21 2006, 02:11:38 UTC
PS you're in college, so don't complain.:-)


drama_nerd_986 February 21 2006, 02:26:35 UTC
Hey, don't be a hater!


I <3 you :)


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