Just saw
Stellay's post on Celeste Chen. This is one site I'd block on my laptop so that my sister NEVER sees it. I'll bet anyone hundred bucks that my sis would worship her. Anyway, just the other day I was showing pictures of this person on my FB to her:
*Click to enlarge*
*Don't click if you're gonna tell me I'm damn mean/so bitchy. I tried my best to blur her face already okay !*
(Wy's gonna screw me. I was just telling her about the girl and she cut me off with a 'No manners ! How can you laugh at someone you don't know !' :( I wasn't exactly laughing. I was quite appalled actually. :/)
ANYWAY. Look at her smile seriously. Fucking copy and paste one know ! Every. Single. Picture. I was feeling tired for her cheek/jaw muscles by the time I was at her 10th profile picture. Why the hell do people smile like that ?! I mean, okay well I cannot do it 'cause I've a vertical labret piercing but that's not the point 'cause I'm not jealous whatsoever. Okay anyway back to my point, I was showing her photos to my sissy and it had an effect quite unlike what I'd intended for. Instead of 'Omg wtf ?', I got a 'She very pretty leh !'. Blinked once, blinked twice, and didn't know whether to stab myself or her. But anyway my mom came from behind and went, 'Eh, looks like the way Bertha (my sissy) smiles what'. I was like 'Precisely my point ! Fugly !'. Sissy rolled her eyes and just went on about how pretty the girl was and that her smile is pretty sweet. /Cry. No more hope.
Okay that's about all. I know I haven't been updating my Tumblr but that's cause I don't have witty one-liners to blog about. Yknow actually, I'll keep LJ after all for lengthier updates. : ) For agonizingly trivial snippets of my life, there's always Twitter..............
Sigh, what vapid entries I blog. I need to meet up with Khai soon. I've almost forgotten how she looks like. Yung-drug on Thursday. And I don't know, Audrey sometime soon. We were supposed to do last Tuesday but my period came (obviously means I'm bedridden) so we pushed it, for various reasons, to Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday, then yesterday............ I think she's been rather grumpy. Lae/Nic, prawning soon with her ? The rabbit topic would make her happy I think. : )
Happy happy happy. Happy I'm, most of the time, when I'm not fighting with Wy. I've learnt that she's #1 at reverse psychology (scowls) but I'll work it to my advantage - I'll get her to mindfuck C since I can't do it. Also learnt that she speaks Hebrew and Greek at times. And what an escapist she is. And...... Hahahaha okay kidding goodbye folks ! May the weekends hurry come ! I hate my life quite a bit now. Every night I lie in bed dreaming about the frivolous fun happy things I can do the next, and when I wake up, I wash up, change, and go to work. -__-
Listening to Almost Lover now. You're gone, I'm haunted, but I've made it right in my life. Toodles !