On the way, in a better Jetstar plane. More leg room, steadier flight, smoother landing. Lucky !
One of the reasons why I love evening/night flights: the scenery
The Oasis Benoa
Kuta Beach
I wouldn't mind going back to Bali. Bintan's better, but I might be biased because I stayed at the Banyan Tree and was waited on, hand and foot.
And we adopted a little stray kitty over the weekends. Her name's Maniac, mainly due to the large M on her forehead and what a screwball she can be at times.
I never thought cats could be so easy to love. They have always seemed creepy and well, to be honest, they still do. But just those lone ones who's shiny eyes focus on you in the night when you're walking home alone. Those who snuggle with you when you sleep ? Nothing beats them.