ok. so its almost two am. and im STILL waiting for the photo printer upstairs. im getting sick of waiting for keely...of course, i cant wait till morning, because we still have an ASSLOAD of unloading to do..::grumbles
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I would say apply anywhere and everywhere. A lot of employees are going to leave for college so you'll definately find a job in the fall. Subway and Bob Evans on Hill rd. need people. Listen to me cuz I've been all over the place for a job this summer and they want full time people. So happy job hunting!
The mall has a book located at the customer service desk in front of the sears wing that lists people who are hiring, so that might be worth checking out... Plus you might apply where I work, she might hire you on as stock girl until your 18 and then work you as a sales rep. Greg, Donessa and I are all quiting so trust me she's gonna need some staff. Well I supposed quitting is a strong word, more like moving on so I can make more money and have a descent set of hours. Hope that helps!
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