spring break has been pretty boring, actually. sunday bowling was pretty fun. got to talk to zach and his friend, which was fun bc i haven't talked to zach in a long time. i bowled a 152! and that was me actually trying, unlike last time haha
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was really happy that we had the 4 day weekend. i basically did nothing on friday. just played w/ mimi, did stuff on the computer, watched daddy day care and the wedding planner, and played xbox
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the past couple weeks have been pretty easy. choir has basically been study hall and children of eden. orchestra practices have started, which are pretty cool. it's me, amy, mrs a, tom, kevin, jen, lauren, and noah
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so this past week has been full of fine arts. on monday symphonic band went to assessment. we got superior! we havent gotten one since 1997, so it was pretty exciting
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so today we watched a very good video by rob bell, called "rain". it talks about the storms in our life, and it gives an illustration. a man has his young infant son on his back and they are out hiking in the woods. well, when they are the farthest point away from their cabin, it starts to rain. as the sprinkles, the child starts fussing a little.
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